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'Hey, Liv!' Louis' voice shouts from the other side of the door about an hour after Harry broke up with me. I quickly wipe the tears off my cheeks.

'Y-Yes.' I answer weakly.
'I need you to entertain Harry, he won't leave me and Eleanor-' Louis stops talking when he sees me. He looks worried.

'Um, that's not gonna work. I'm sorry.' I say.
'Jesus, Liv, what's wrong? What happened?' Louis asks, quickly sitting down beside me on my bed. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

Yeah, whenever I cried- doesn't matter how long I cried- I always have a cry-face, which I can't hide.

'Is Harry still in our house?' I ask, trying to fight my tears with all the strength I have.

'Yes, we were supposed to be working on new songs. What happened?' Louis repeats.
'Nothing, he just, um- he dumped me.' I tell, already feeling tears stinging in my eyes again.

'What? Why?' Louis asks confused.
'He thinks I don't trust him enough.' I answer.
'Why would he think that?' Louis continues.
'I asked him if he was still talking to Taylor, and he-'

'Taylor Swift?' Louis interrupts me.
'Yes. He acted really mysterious about it, and he got angry when I asked him to give me his phone. Then he got so mad and told me that Taylor kissed him.' I tell, little pauses in between.

'Um, I assume he pulled away when she did?' Louis asks.
'At first, he said that he did.. but after he broke up with me, he told me lied and that he didn't pull away and kissed her back.' I tell, feeling my heart break again as I hear the painful words Harry said to me echoing in my brain.

'Jesus fucking Christ, I'm ending that fucking avocado.' Louis snaps, obviously angry.
'And Taylor- that bitch knew he was taken, and still she kissed him!' He continues.

'No! Hey, Harry, fookface!' Louis shouts out while rushing out of my room. I quietly jump off my bed and get to my door.

'Why the fuck did you cheat on my little sister, Harry? I thought I was very clear when I told you to not hurt her!' I hear Louis yell.
'It was one kiss! I didn't sleep with her, or something.' Harry protests. I didn't even notice that there are tears streaming down on my cheeks again.

'One kiss is still cheating, you arse! You dump Olivia giving her the shitty reason that she doesn't trust you enough? She was right on not to trust you, avocado! Get the fuck out of my house!' Louis yells, raging with anger. While Louis is yelling, Eleanor gets inside my room. She shocks a little when she sees my face, and pulls me in a hug.

'He doesn't deserve you, Liv.' She whispers on a consoling tone.

'I don't wanna lose him, Eleanor. I love him so much.' I cry.
'I know that you do, darling. It's gonna be okay. Everything will be fine.' Eleanor consoles.

'Can you please make Louis stop yelling... I need him right now.' I say. Eleanor releases me and nods. She gets out of my room, and I hear her interrupting Louis with a gentle voice.

After a few minutes, I hear the front door closing, and Eleanor and Louis get inside my room.

'Thank you.' I tell them.
'Sorry, Liv. I lost control. I'm just so angry at Harry right now.' Louis explains. I nod, and let him pull me into his arms.

'I'm here for you, Liv. You were the last person to deserve this.' He says, gently rubbing my back.

'What's going on?' Mum's voice asks from outside of my room. She just came back home, apparently.

'I saw Harry leaving. He seemed tense. Did you have a fight, Olivia?' Mum continues, getting into my room. Louis releases me and I quickly wipe my tears away.

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