Ch.1 Quite The Night

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Josie was getting ready to leave the bathroom and as she was about to push the door open she could hear two familiar voices.

"Meaning...?" A girl's voice which she immediately identified as Penelope Park's voice.

"That I'm a superhero," A boy's voice which was definitely MG's.

She could hear Penelope snort as they both laugh at what MG had just 'discovered'. Josie knew she couldn't wait for them to leave because they escorted her here and she guesses, they decided to stay to make sure she was okay. So she held her breath and opened the door.

"Oh totally, Superman is such a slut!" Penelope laughed and MG joined in.

"Thanks for tonight, MG," Josie said sincerely but still trying not to make eye contact with Penelope.

"First hero thank you, accepted," MG said happily as he spun around before leaving, "Up, up and away!"

"Hey, what about me?" Penelope asked, "I helped."

Josie turned around, "You're the reason why I got buried alive on my birthday!"

Penelope shifted her weight onto one leg as she put her hands in her hips and listened to Josie continue on about how she is to blame for Josie's first selfish act in a long time.

"You're right..." Penelope says, "This world needs the selfless, and the selfish, to keep spinning."

She steps closer to Josie before finally ending what she has to say with, "I happen to be the latter."

They lock eyes and without a second thought, Penelope grabs Josie's face and kisses her. Josie kisses back but pulls away to say something she knows that is damn well not true but she needs to believe at a time like this.

"I hate you."

"I know," Penelope says, a little smile tugged at her lips before Josie pulled her in for another kiss (or 3).

When they pulled away, Josie was in shock of what she had just done and bolted. Josie knew she shouldn't have kissed her back didn't feel wrong.

Elsewhere, Hope was dancing with Raf. They were both having a good time, just dancing and leisurely talking due to the fact that they didn't truly enjoy the twins' birthday party itself. As they gazed into each other's eyes, Raf unconsciously leaned in to kiss Hope. She noticed this but knew she couldn't let it happen but also didn't want to ruin the night. She pretended to see it as Raf giving her a hug and she hugged him. He was surprised and actually fell for the act, assuming that didn't she clearly read the moment due to the fact that they just officially became friends. That wasn't a good enough of an excuse for the disappointment inside him but he did remember why he rejected Lizzie in the first place and pushed his feelings aside. As for why Hope didn't let it happen...she liked Landon and she was waiting for him. Waiting for a sign from him if he needed her but ultimately hoping the best for him. Hope pulled away, smiled at Raf and they exchanged a 'good night' before returning for their dorms. Hope passed by MG and he gave her a high five for what they accomplished that night, then she passed by the twins' room to hear a weeping Lizzie and a worried Josie.

Out of all the people who was involved in something crazy that seems like MG was the only one with a satisfying conclusion of the day.

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