Ch.9 Imagine Being Screwed Over

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It's been three months since Josie cast the spell that made everyone remember Hope. Three long months of monsters, drama, and stress. Recent events have really pushed it for many people at the Salvatore School for Young and Gifted. Especially our group of favorite protagonists, Josie, Hope, Lizzie, and Dr.Saltzman.

Josie, Lizzie, and Dr.Saltzmam are currently stuck in a magic world where certain dangers lurk because of Dr.Saltzman's mistakes. This very same world is a prison world that has dangerous people Dr.Saltzman just threw in their so he wouldn't have to deal with their danger anymore...some people who just so happen to be his brother-in-law and three former students. Oh and Sebastian.

After finding the sandclock in the meadow of that world and returning back to Salvatore school, she ran into Jade. Jade was once a student that attended Salavtore School which her father banished to the world. And ever since...her humanity's been turned off. After being saved by one Kai Parker, they decided to do a little team up that eventually lead them to their path to the meadow.

"So Joanie..." Kai started, "What's your life like in the outside world? Amazing food? Friends? A girl or boy? Hmmm?"

"It's Josie," Josie sighed, "And the outside world is great..."

"Mmm doesn't sound so great with the tone you're using," Kai said and he turned to the younger girl.

"Well it isn't..." Josie said rolling her eyes, "Monsters and past problems never seem to go away nowadays."

"Oh tell me about it!" Kai shouted as he clapped his hands together, "Ol' Ric trapping me here and knowing I'm trapped her always does that...what happened with you, eh kid? You're like, a baby."

"I'm 16 and I know about all this merge crap," she said and Kai eyed her at the words 'merge',"And I keep thinking about how that's the reason why mom's away and why my ex dumped me."

"Ooo, yeah it's a shame that you have to do the merge when it doesn't matter who's leader of the Gemini Coven anymore..." Kai sighed, "Cause the coven technically died with me when I became a Heretic."

"Wait, why do we have to merge than?" Josie asked stopping.

"Guess it's a family curse," Kai shrugged, "I dunno, it ain't my problem anymore. Wow, we're doing good with the whole 'no free answers' shabang!"

As they kept walking, Josie was seriously questioning everything in her life. She has to do this merge thing even though it shouldn't matter anymore. Her and Lizzie are the only people part of the coven that are alive! Can't we both be leaders? We don't even have an actual Coven...Why do we have to merge for no reason?

As Josie continued to question life, they arrived at the meadow, left, then headed off. Josie tried to convince Kai that they needed to find her dad but that didn't work out too well: turns out he's working with Jade. They take her back to the little bar in which she chained her father in and use her as a hostage.

A bunch of shit goes down after that and here is the summary: Josie screws over Kai so Kai screws her over in when they all return to the real world, Dark Josie makes her appearance! This Josie feeds off the weakness of her suppressed, good and innocent self within her self consciousness. This Josie has no problem with hurting anyone and it's becoming a major problem for one Dr.Saltzman.

"...and that's what's been happening," Dr.Saltman finished, catching up Caroline on recent events.

"Not Josie..." Caroline said, gritting her teeth and then looking to Penelope who was sitting down, listening in.

"We're handling it over here..." Dr.Saltzman lied, "Any news on your end?"

"Yes, actually," Caroline started, Penelope and I are about to meet with the headmistress who says she might've found a way to create a spell that could keep the twins' in their own bodies."

"Oh? How ?" Dr.Saltzman asked.

"I don't know that's why we're meeting with her to talk about it," Caroline explained, "So far this is our best option but also our riskiest. This spell is ancient and if this hypothetical spell doesn't truly work, we have to make our own."

"So Plan A is the Ancient Spell and Plan B is to create a spell?" Dr.Saltman asked and Caroline agreed.

"We do not want to use Plan C unless there is no other option," Caroline said gravely and Penelope looked up, that was the first time she heard of this 'Plan C'. After the call ended, the two headed to the Headmistress' office.

"What's Plan C?" Penelope asked in a low voice.

Caroline stops and turns to her, "One of them becomes a Vampire."

"What?" Penelope exclaimed.

"Exactly," Caroline sighed and they continued walking, "That's why...we have to hope either Plan A or Plan B works. Eternity isn't as fun as it seems."

The two enter the Headmistress' office, she immediately says a spell to make sure no one can listen in on what they're doing in the room. They all gather around the ancient book, a book written by Qetsiyah...the witch who created the immortality elixir. They read through the beaten, magically held together book and found the spell the Headmistress believes is what can help the twins.

"Time to prepare for Plan A and B," Penelope said, clapping her hands together and they began their work.

A few days later, Penelope gets a text from Hope while in the middle of collecting materials for the Plan A spell.

Josie has dark magic in her system. She wants to perform the merge but I have a plan to prevent her from seeing it through. Might wanna hurry up on that spell stuff.

What? You better make sure she doesn't go through with it!

Penelope slips her phone back into her pocket as she continues to look for some rare cauliflower looking thing. God, please let Hope's plan succeed...


If I'm being honest I didn't know where I was going with this chapter. I wanted to include some Penelope related thoughts for Josie and an update on what's happening in Belgium. This chapter was rough because I try to align things chronologically that's why it took me longer to write this chapter. I sincerely apologize for that😅

The chapters after this will only get more interesting! Partly because I have to make up what happens after Season 2 episode 16 (2X16)

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