Ch.21 I Don't Know...The End Of The World.

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The school year ended three weeks ago for Salvatore School. During those three weeks, everyone went home to their families, everyone except the Super Squad and Werewitch siblings (that's what everyone started calling Quinn and Beacon). Penelope, being the 'slightly' devious witch she was, decided to teach Quinn some neat spells that could "aid her in desperate times." If Dr.Saltzman knew the spells Penelope learned on her own, he wouldn't have let Quinn anywhere near her.

One day after a learning session with Quinn, Penelope and Josie went into town on a date. They walked into the Mystic Grill and casually talked and had lunch. But unknown to them, a tall, African American man was watching them...and he decided to approach them.

"Hi, you two go to Salvatore school right?" He asks them and the two look at each other before nodding, "Sorry if that sounded creepy, you're wearing the Salvatore logo."

Penelope looked down and realized she was wearing a school t-shirt and sighed.

"By any chance, do you know where Hope Mikaelson would be?" He asked, "Or the Headmaster, Alaric Saltzman?"

"Um, yeah, they should be at the school right now," Josie said, "The Head Master is my dad."

"Oh so you're Josie! The new Heretic," he chuckled and the two girl's went from uncomfortable to alarmed in 0.2 seconds.

"You know about us?" Penelope asked, trying to read his mind but he was good at blocking out head tricks.

"Of course, I'm a neck biter myself," he chuckled, "My name is Marcel, and I need to speak with your dad and the youngest member of my family."

"Oh my god..." Josie whispered, "You basically run New Orleans."

"Ha ha you know me," he said with obvious amusement, "I'll be taking my leave now, thank you for your assistance."

And with that, Marcel walked away. But when he did, Penelope got flashes of a vision: Marcel carrying Hope in his arms while running; Josie and Lizzie holding off a beast; and a little werewolf with not golden yellow eyes like most...but crimson red; paralyzing Penelope.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Josie asked, squeezing her hand.

"I don't know..." she muttered before joking, "The end of the world?"

The two walked out of the Mystic Grill to continue their date but the vision that Penelope stayed right there in her head.

Back at Salvatore, Marcel waltzed right into the school and walked into Landon and Raf. He asked for directions and they skeptically pointed out where Dr.Saltzman's office was. Marcel, while making his way there, listened out for Hope's voice. When he heard it, he sighed, relieved that she was in the building. He knocked on the door and Dr.Saltzman opened it.

"You're Marcel," he said in surprise.

"Yup and you're Alaric," he said and Dr.Saltzman moved out of the way to let him in.

When he closed the door and they both sat down. Marcel immediately went down to business, explaining why he was there. He explained how vampires in his city have been constantly disappearing but he can't remember who. He also explained how the Headmistress of the school in Belgium confronted him, demanding to know where her students were.

"I thought they were traveling the U.S for the summer," Dr.Saltzman asked, shocked by the discovery of the missing students.

"Yeah, they were in New Orleans a week ago but apparently, they went missing a long with a handful of my Night Walkers," he explained, "I don't remember who they are but I know they exist because I have names and pictures."

"Hold on, I know how to solve that problem," Dr.Saltzman took out his phone and called Josie, "Hey Josie, can you come to the school as soon as you can?"

"Um okay dad, I'll be right there," she responded and the call ended.

"She knows a spell that can return your memories because it seems like your Night Walkers were thrown into Malivore," he said, "A Hell-like dimension of loneliness and darkness."

When Josie arrived with Penelope, they once again exchanged greetings with Marcel. Dr.Saltzman filled her in on what he needed her to do and she agreed to do it. Josie proceeds with the Japanese purge spell she learned that returns people's memories from Malivore. Marcel passes out and then wakes up a few minutes later, remembering everyone he had forgotten.

"Now that I remember who went exactly do I get them back?" He asked and the others looked at him sadly.

"You don't...Malivore has to release you," Interjected a new voice, Hope.

"Hey Hope, been a while," he smiled and got up before giving her a hug.

"Why're you here Marcel?" She asked and his expression turned from chill and happy to serious.

" has something to do with what the witches of the French Quarter predicted before you were born," he explained.

"That prophecy of me being the end of all witches?" she said, baffled, "I'm part witch, I mainly use magic, why would I end all witches?"

"I don't think you'll intentionally do it but--" Marcel started to explain but before he could, Penelope screamed in pain.

"Penny!" Josie cried, catching her girlfriend as she writhed in pain.

"What's happening?" Marcel asked, confused.

"She's psychic and when she gets like this it's usually because of something big and powerful," she explained, "Pen had these visions from the past about Hope...maybe this has something to do with what you're talking about."

Penelope could barely concentrate on what they were saying, she could barely concentrate at all. She's gotten better at controlling the pain and stabilizing her visions but it doesn't mean they don't hurt. As Josie sat her down and she concentrated to the best of her ability on the visions, they became clearer and clearer.

She saw Valerie chasing Hope and Marcel with a group of her Heretics. They had Malivore marks on their foreheads...probably increasing their power. The scene then changed to Josie and Lizzie holding off an undead dragon while the others fought a horde of zombies. Then the vision got very specific, specifically on Quinn. Quinn was running through the woods with a werewolf, a regular one but smaller than the average sized wolf.

"Beacon," she muttered aloud.

Even though the others were questioning her in the outside world, she was concentrated on her vision. Quinn used telekinesis to lift up a large, fallen branch and launched it into one of her pursuers chests, killing him. Her eyes started to glow and she began to kill every single pursuer. Penelope got a closer look at the people she killed and recognized their uniforms.

"Triad," she muttered aloud again.

When Quinn killed all of her surrounding pursuers, she fell to her knees...her bones were breaking...she was transforming. When she looked up, straight at Penelope; her eyes were crimson red...reflecting the color of the giant full moon in the sky. Penelope was paralyzed by shock and...well...fear. The scene changed and she was in the past, surrounded by a group of werewolves with crimson eyes like Quinn...they all shape shifted willingly and with ease into their human forms.

"Werewolf witch...coven?" she asked and was immediately shot back into the present. Her eyes shot open and she was faced with the worried expression of her girlfriend and company.

"Penny...babe...are you okay?" Josie asked, caressing her cheek.

"Y-yeah," she said and she looked at them with a concerned expression, "I had a first complete vision..."


What up my fellow Posie-deprived folks! I actually typed this chapter on my computer! Don't know why but I guess I missed the feeling of typing.

If you have any suggestions for how you want the story to go, go ahead and comment! I will try to incorporate your ideas into what I already have planned.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!

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