Ch.28 A Very Bad Plan.

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The morning after Landon's infiltration was tense. There were higher security measures, stricter curfews, and teachers checked up on students more often. Dr.Satlzman patrolled the hallways in between classes and Caroline along with nay teacher that had a free period, patrolled the woods. Quinn was somewhat okay; her eyes stayed red, her emotions were heightened, and she couldn't control what she siphoned. Whatever Landon gave her, made her unstable. She lashed out at a boy who made fun of her eyes in her Physics class and his desk caught on fire. So Dr.Saltzman decided it was best for her to stay in her dorm until they find an antidote to whatever Landon gave her. Throughout the rest of the day multiple people checked up on her, teachers, peers, and even her crush who's name is Sydney. Sydney visiting her made her so happy that when Penelope and Josie visited...that's all she talked about.

"We're glad you're doing okay," Penelope chuckled, "But Q, how are you physically feeling?"

"I feel...tired...kinda weak..." she said slowly, "What's wrong with me?"

"Your mother was part of a coven called the Blood Moon Coven, your werewolf gene has to be activated by the total lunar eclipse tomorrow night or else you'll die or permanently become a wolf," Josie explained and Quinn's eyes widened, she looked scared.

"Don't be scared...we'll figure something out," Penelope tried for a reassuring smile and Quinn returned it with a weak smile.

An hour after Penelope and Josie left, Beacon came and he had a plan.

"Q, we need to leave," he said and Quinn looked at him like he was crazy.

"What?" Quinn asked, "I can't leave, I might hurt someone."

"But you have to kill someone in order to unlock the gene and perform your coven's ritual," he explained, and he revealed a bag with spell materials inside of it, "I took these from the spells class's storage room. I also have the spell needed for the ritual."

"Im great fun for that Beacon...but I don't want to kill anyone!" Quinn said, shaking her head, "I'm just going to have to trust in the others."

"But Quinn! Tomorrow you won't be you! You just might kill the first person you see! Blood Moon wolves are powerful werewolves and get incredibly aggressive and easy to irritate on the day of a Blood Moon," Beacon explained as he took out a book and handed it to Quinn.

"Hm...I'm're actually reading..." Quinn chuckled and her brother rolled his eyes.

"I won't leave tonight, I'll leave tomorrow...right when classes end," Quinn reassured him.

"I'm going with you," he said sternly and Quinn shook her head.

"B, I might kill you," she reasoned but he shook his head.

"You won't," he said confidently, "I know it."

"Wow look at you.. all sure of this," Quinn smiled, "Fine, you can sleep in my dorm tonight...go tell Dr.S."

And with that, they had a plan. A very bad plan.

It was 4 PM and an explosion shook the school grounds. Teachers rushes students into safe areas while Dr.Saltzman, Caroline, Emma, and Bonnie went out to checl what was going on. Being the reckless and independent group of teens they are, the Super Squad helped in that. The only people who weren't without her group were Quinn and Beacon, they were going into the woods.

"Im going to go find Dr.Saltzman!" Hope yelled and before she let go of Lizzie's hand, she kissed her.

"Wait Hope!" Lizzie yelled, but she was already gone.

Just then, out of the blue, Marcel appeared.

"Where's Hope? Some witches are working with Humans to infiltrate this place...and those witches are after Hope," he demanded and Lizzie told him she just left. He sped off to catch up with his younger sister.

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