Ch.8 Hope Mikaelson?

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The new school year has started for the young, supernatural students of Salvatore School and it's starting off with style. More monsters continue to come along and this time...a Japanese demon slayer that was possessed by a demon spirit known as an Oni. The new golden trio, Hope, Josie, and Lizzie manage to kill the Oni...more or so Josie does using an ancient japanese spell. Since Josie used the spell on Lizzie who was possessed by the Oni, it brought back her memories of Hope, who had been long forgotten by everyone because of her little skinny dip into Malivore. Ever since then, Josie has been trying to, in a sense, reverse engineer the spell to make it restore memories and she goes to Hope's Aunt Freya for that. Meanwhile, Lizzie is the only one who remembers Hope and just went through a crazy game with her the other day.

"How did you get out of Malivore?" Lizzie asked, as the two of them ate their lunch outside in front of the Malivore portal.

"I don't really know but Malivore wanted to spit me out," Hope said, "My presence was messing up his dimension's rules."

"Well would you look at that...Hope The Hero at it again...breaking the laws of hell to escape," Lizzie dramatically and Hope rolled her eyes, even if they don't get along all the time...Lizzie was significant in her life.

"Hey, guys," Alyssa Chang said, running into the room, out of breath from her morning jog.

"What?" Lizzie asked slightly annoyed by her sudden intrusion.

"I need to speak with Hope," She said rolling her eyes at Lizzie and Hope got up and went out into the hall way with her.

"What's up?" Hope asked.

"I found the remains of a body while I was jogging and I wanted to tell you because I think it's because if the next monster," Alyssa explained.

"Oh, where is it?" Hope asked.

Alyssa gave her the location before running off to take a shower. When she went back into the room, she sat back down across from Lizzie.

"Why do people not tell me things?" Lizzie asks, "I haven't been super bitchy lately!"

"Yeah, well I need you for something," Hope said, "Like, let's hang out again today."

"Yesterday wasn't really hanging out but okay..." Lizzie retorted before they both got up and left the room.

Throughout the day, crazy things were happening. The next Malivore monster was a creature called the Croatoan, the super squad had to assemble but Josie wasn't there so they were down a witch. Hope and Raf go off into the woods hunting down the Croatoan while Lizzie helps guard Landon...which doesn't workout very well considering the fact that it appeared right before them. Funnily enough, the monster wasn't going after went for Lizzie. And while all of that was happening, Kaleb, MG, and Kim were studying up on the Croatoan.

"Why does everyone assume I have super strength?" Landon grumbled as he struggled to keep the door closed.

"Oh trust me, no one thinks that," Lizzie retorts and that's when the phone rings, she picks it up and it's MG. After telling a simplified version of a story, MG finally revealed that the Croatoan feeds on secrets...and Lizzie so happens to be keeping one very important one. After hanging up due to the fact that only the witch who summoned the creature could kill it, Lizzie hauled up a fallen Landon and they made a run for it.
After running into what basically was the dungeon, Landon had the idea of making the two Malivore creatures fight each other...which instead turned into them walking past each other. Lizzie locks the monster into the holding cell even though it's pointless to do that as Hope and Raf run into the room.
After figuring out that the monster is after a secret that's about Hope, they run out of the dungeon and split up. Lizzie and Hope end up running into the gym where the monster ends up catching up to them anyways.

"Uh, it feeds on secrets right?" Hope said, as they started slowly backing up. "Uh so, let me have it."

"I prefer to die with dignity..." Lizzie said.

"Okay, fine! I'll start," Hope said exasperatedly, "I stole your jade butterfly clip in 5th grade."

Lizzie gasped, "I loved that clip!"

"I had a crush on Josie for a week when we were fourteen," Hope said quickly.

"Read my lips! The two of you are never happening!" Lizzie said turning to Hope.

After a long moment of going back and forth of revealing secrets. The monster wasn't backing off because of Hope's secret. Right at that moment, Josie appears and casts the Japanese spell that sent out a wave of magic that returned Hope to everyone's memories. Which then caused those very same people to pass out. The Croatoan then proceeded to go after Landon but before it could get away with it, Hope and then MG arrived and Hope cast a spell to make the monster dissipate into a puddle of goo.

Elsewhere on the globe, Penelope and Caroline are recovering from passing out themselves.

"Ugh...that spell..." Penelope groaned, rubbing her temples.

"What was that..." Caroline said but as soon as she said it, flashes of Hope Mikaelson appeared, "Hope Mikaelson..."

"Hope...?" Penelope repeated and then immediately sat up straight. She reached for phone and immediately opened her chat to Hope.

Hope Mikaelson, for some reason I forgot about you and I need to know why. Oh and is Josie alright?

Moments later Hope responded, explaining everything that happened and everything with Josie.

"Ew she hooked up with Landon because she was empty inside?" Penelope scoffed at the text.

"Well that's all well and great but Penelope...we're in the middle of doing something," Caroline called, and Penelope walked back over to where Penelope was. They were reading through hundreds of old spell books, information on covens, and curses. By next summer, they should have one kind if solution to test out on the twins to stop the merge.

We're going to save you Josie, Penelope thought, we're going to save you both.

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