Ch.39 Burn, Baby, BURN

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Landon, AKA Malivore, sat there in his magic prison cell until someone came down to check on him. That person was Bonnie Bennet and he just watched her as he came closer to the cell. When she got close, he burst into flames. Bonnie yelped and jumped backward, Landon just laughed.

"Oh you think you're funny, huh?" Bonnie said as she regained composure and glared at the possessed boy.

Bonnie kept her arms at her side but the palms of her hands faced Landon. She concentrated hard and soon enough the smug, mischevious expression on his face turned into pain. Bonnie kept at it for awhile, hoping that Landon would pass out again but he didn't. Instead, he somehow overcame Bonnie's magical mental clutch and burst into flames again. This time, he was focusedon trying to create an intense explosion of hell flames that could destroy the spells put on his cell.

The chains that were on him were melting and soon enough, he was free to stand. He got up and stretched as he continued to basically me a bonfire of hell flames. Bonnie tried her best to keep it contained but she needed help.


She wasn't sure if anyonr heard her and as minutes passed, she eas filled with dread as she continued to yell but no one came down. Just as her hold on Landon and the spells were weakening significantly, Emma, Quinn, Sydney, and a few of the older witches at Salvatore came down the stairs.

"Oh great...the calvary is here," Landon sighed, rolling his eyes. He was so close to tiring out one he has to tire out eight.

The other eight witches mimicked what Bonnie was doing and they continued to suppress Landon's flames and tried to magically knock him out. Considering the fact that this was really Malivore, he tried experimenting his abilities in his son's body. He stopped the flames for a moment to concentrate on trying to turn himself into Golem form but instead of turning into dirt and stone...his skin turned into these hard, metallic metallic feathers. When Landon opened his eyes, they weren't green anymore: they were all white. He was transitioning into a full on Phoenix. A regular Phoenix wouldn't have the ability to cancel out all kinds of magic...but the Landon-Malivore did. When Quinn looked into his eyes, attempting to incapacitate him, it didn't work.

"Only a fool falls for the same trick twice," Landon laughed harshly before bursting into flames again, forcing Quinn to jump back.

Landon's flames became harsher and harsher. It was so hot and powerful that it was indeed breaking the spells placed on the cell. Soon enough, the flame invulnerability spell was broken and the bars started melting.  The witches tried using magic to manipulate the heat or freeze Landon but nothing worked. Soon enough, they all passed out from the heat. Landon stopped his flames and walked over the passed out bodies of the witches and left the basement. He slowly and silently made his way to the front of the school but just as he was about to taste freedom.... the super squad was back.

"Crap..." Landon growled as he saw Hope and sensed that she was a 100% tribrid.

"So, Sleeping Beauty finally decided wake up," Penelope said, crossing her arms.

"Well yes but I'm afraid you...will all be going to sleep," Landon said and swiped at the air, as he did, a wave of flames flew out.

The Squad jumped out of the way and the flames set the car on fire. Hope immidiately said an incantation that knocked Landivore (yup thats his name now) right of his feet. Peneleope immidiately took advantage of the situation to try and incapacitate him using her psychic abilities while the boys ran into the school to help rush the students to the new secret bunkers created for this exact situation.

Lizzie yelled an incantation for a water spell that temporarily put out Landivore's flames. He was incredibly pissed, taking advantage of his anger's energy...Landivore let out an explosion of flames. The four girls flew backward from the impact of the hot air released. As they struggled to get back on to their feet, Landivore laughed coldly.

"You children think you can KILL me?" He said incredulously, "I cannot die now that I have possessed the body of my son. In fact now, I can create my own offspring! And you tribrid...shall be my bride!"

"Ew no, she's taken, Nerd Father," Lizzie snapped as she stepped closer to Hope.

"I will never be with you," Hope growled, "In fact, I am your biggest threat."

"Whatever do you mean? I am no longer a puddle of muck but a handsome youth," Landivore smiled, his attempt at charm was overshadowed by the fact that to them it was just Landon's face.

"You're not 100% Landon just yet, Mr.Mudblod," Josie yelled, "So we win."

"What?" Landivore said, he clearly didn't know that he was supposed to step into the pet to absorb ALL of his essence into Landon's body.

Elsewhere, Dr.Saltzman and Marcel were at the Salvatore Crypt where Malivore's latest puddle was. It was bubbling intensely, steaming in fact and the two adults poured half of Hope's blood that they had into the pit.

Back with Landovore, he colapsed to his knees, gasping.

"No!" He cried, "NO!"

And with that, everything blew up.

Ahhhhhh I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in nearly two weeks!!!!

I'm going to update again tomorrow but I won't update again after that until Monday because of a religious retreat at my church. Fear not, social distancing is enforced and I refuse to get COVID-19.

Thank you for reading! I'm so sorry!

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