Ch.19 Phoenix Rising

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It's been two weeks since the 'rescue' mission for Caroline, Josie has adjusted to being a vampire, and the two new additions to the Salvatore School family have gotten along with everyone quite well. Everyone was okay except for Landon. Landon had distanced himself from everyone after Hope broke up with him and only talked to Raf. When people asked Raf what was wrong with Landon, he would respond with either, 'I can't say' or 'he's just figuring some stuff out.' It concerns Hope because even though she broke up with him, it doesn't mean she stopped caring.

"He just needs space," Raf said for probably the millionth time that week.

"Are you sure because he goes to classes but then disappears for the whole day," Hope said, frowning.

"Relax, I told you," Raf said raising his hands as if to say, 'Honest to God,' "He's just figuring some stuff out and like I also told you, I can't say what."

And with that, Raf walked away. Hope, clearly frustrated, went to her room. When she entered, she saw Lizzie looking through her desk.

"What are you doing?" She demanded.

"Uh, I, uh...nothing..." Lizzie said smiling nervously before running past her out of the room.

Hope walked over to her desk and saw that nothing had been taken but something was added. She kept some old pictures from when she was little there and the picture on top was usually a picture of her with her family: all of the Mikaelsons. But this time, the picture on top was a new picture: a picture of her, Lizzie, and Josie when they were little and Hope first visited the school.

"Why would she want to sneak this in..." Hope wondered, she flipped over the picture and there was a message.

Meet me by the tree in the background after dinner.


She flipped the picture again and saw the tree she was talking about. It was an old maple tree that was next to the school.

I wonder what this is about...

Meanwhile, Josie was training in the gym with MG and Kaleb while Penelope watched from the bleachers.

"Don't break your pretty face, babe!" Penelope yelled, winking when her girlfriend turned around

"Don't worry, I'm getting the hang of this!" Josie yelled in reply.

"You said that yesterday and sped right into the wall," Kaleb said and MG laughed.

"Shut up," she muttered as she psyched herself up.

They padded the walls so that if and when she did speed straight into the wall, it would hurt less. She was practicing controlling her speed and when she stops for long distances. She used her speed to run around the gym five times before successfully stopping in the middle.

"Ay! After 3 tries you finally did it!" MG said whooping excitedly.

"Haha yeah..." Josie said smiling, "I'm kinda tired though."

"Yeah, since you're not used to speeding like that yet, you'll get fatigued pretty quickly," Kaleb said, "Wanna call it a day?"

"Yeah, I need to go study for my History of Magic quiz tomorrow," Josie said and she walked out, hand-in-hand with Penelope.

"OK MG, I need your help with something..." Kaleb said, "I heard some witches from the school Penelope went to in Belgium will be coming here for like a foreign exchange student program or whatever."

"And?" MG asked, as they walked out of the gym.

"I want to get Jed to fall for one of them so that I," he said smiling, "Can get Alyssa."

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