Ch.25 That's Just How I Be

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The new school year starts tomorrow. All the students are back and there are a few new students in the younger and older grades. The atmosphere of the school was tense but light enough for everyone to forgot every once in awhile that Landon betrayed everyone and Penelope's vision could come true at any given moment. The staff of the school all had to update the security system and to prevent anymore traitors, Bonnie and Penelope have been searching people's minds. Under normal circumstances, that would be an invasion of privacy (well it still is), but most people understand that this is for the safety of the school and there is a strict confidentiality policy. For example, if you are thinking something naughty, Penelope wouldn't say anything but she would comment out loud...further embarassing the person.

"Baby, you need to stop doing that..." Josie sighed after watching Penelope search the mind of the last student.

"What? Its fun...I'm not gonna to anyone what they thought," Penelope laughed, "Though you would not like what that boy was thinking when he was looking at me."

"W-what?" Josie choked on her own saliva and Penelope laughed.

"Let'a go get dinner," Penelope said, turning and taking the hand of a confused Josie.

"What do you mean I wouldn't like what he thought?" Josie demanded as they walked down the hall.

" someone being an adorable protective girlfriend?" Penelope teased, facing Josie as she pulled them to the side of the hall.

"I-I just don't like the idea of people checking you out literally right in front of me and I wouldn't know..." Josie said blushing hard, looking at the wall and not the smug mug on the shorter girl.

Penelope wrapped her arms around the other girl's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. Josie responded by wrapping her arms around the shorter girl's waste and kissing back. When they pulled away from the kiss, they stood their for a moment, foreheads resting on each other's forehead and they enjoyed the moment.

"Hey Lovebirds, stop eating each other and eat some lunch!" Lizzie yelled as she walked by  with Hope who laughed along.

"You wish you could eat more than just dinner, Lizard!" Penelope uelled winking and Lizzie turned red and flipped her off.

"To be honest, I cant tell if you're calling out people for a secret you know or if you're just being yourself anymore," Josie laughed.

"I am both...but only for my friends," she winked, then giving her a peck on the cheek before the two unhinged themselves from each other and walked into the dining hall.

The couple got their food and made their way to their usual table, except this time, Quinn was sitting with them instead of her friends.

"Hey Q, why're you sitting here tonight?" Penelope asked, "Not that I have a problem with that."

"I uh...there's this girl--" She started and everyone immidiately looked up.

"Someone better not be bullying y-" Lizzie growled, after all of them found out how truly innocent Quinn was...they decided to protect her at all costs...especially after Penelope's vision.

"No, no, she isn't bullying me..." Quinn said, before quietly adding, "I think I like her..."

"Oh my gosh, Quinn has a crush everyone," MG whooped.

"Shhhhhhhh" Quinn hissed, "I don't know though, what's a crush supposed to feel like?"

"You don't know what a crush feels like?" Josie asked.

"Well, a crush is when you really like someone and want to spend time with them," MG said, "But you also want to do that while also being more than friends and ya know, date."

"Crushes can be brutal though," Raf said, "Don't let your emotions get out of hand."

"Well...I think she's beautiful, she has these stormy gray eyes that lighten up and sparkle whenever I make her laugh, she has incredibly soft, long brown hair..." As Quinn continued to talk about her crush, Lizzie was finding herself relating to the little girl.

Whenever Quinn said something about her crush she thought of Hope. She thought of things she liked about Hope when Quinn talked about something she liked about her crush. And it kept going and going and she eventually was fully zoned out, thinking about Hope.

"Lizzie?" Hope said, breaking her concentration.

"Yup? Yes?" She replied sitting up straight and looking at the shorter girl sitting next to her.

"You okay? You spaced out and started turning red," Hope said worriedly.

"Ha ha yeah...I'm fine," Lizzie said nervously, she's never been nervous like this before. She's never shown nervousness for something like this before.

When Lizzie tore her eyes away from Hope, she made eye contact with Penelope who winked at her. Lizzie immidiately took out her phone, and making sure Hope couldn't see, texted Penelope.

You can read minds.

Yeah no shit Sherlock 😂

Shut up, I need you to do me a favor.

Oh? What kind of favor?

Can you read Hope's mind? See if she likes me?

Hmmm...what do I get out of this?

The feeling of knowing you did a good deed.

Hmm...I guess I could do some charity work

Lizzie looked up and glared at Penelope who smirked before looking at Hope for a few seconds. Penelope then looked down and texted Lizzie.

She's not really thinking about liking you right now, I mean, your name is in her mind but that's about it.


Talk to her, sbe might start thinking about you in depth.

"Hey Hope, what do you think about my outfit?" Lizzie said and Hope looked her up and down.

"I think you look amazing," Hope said, smiling brightly at Lizzie.

"Aw thanks," Lizzie said, blushing," I think you look cute."

Hope blushed at the compliment but before she could say something else to Lizzie, Quinn got her attention.

She thinks you're hot and it feels like she likes you

What do you mean it feels like?

I can feel people's feelings as well dingus and it felt like what Quinn's feeling rn. And what you're feeling.


Lizzie looked up back at Penelope and she winked.

"Okay what just happened?" Josie asked Penelope.

"Nothing...I just set up everything for cupid," Penelope smiled at her girlfriend.

"God, why're you so cute when you're mischevious," Josie sighed as she wrapped her arms around Penelope's neck and gave her a hug.

"That's just how I be," Penelope chuckled.

I know some of you have been craving Hizzie so here I am giving it to you. The next chapter will be Hizzie focused too, and it will lead back to some real problems. (I felt like we should chill for two chapters lol)

Thank you for reading my fanfic, hope you liked this chapter!

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