Ch.17 Plan C

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The squad was led down into a cellar of the old brick building. There they were with Kaleb, Landon, and a teenage girl with a little boy. After Valerie took a selfie with the girls and left the basement, they began to talk.

"Who are you people?" The girl asked as the boy hid behind her.

"Well, hostages like you, I'm guessing," Lizzie muttered and Hope shot her a look before turning to the girl.

"My name is Hope and I'm assuming you two are the pair of kids our Headmistress was looking for," Hope said before explaining who they were and why they were there. When she was done the girl eased up.

"My name is Quinn and this is my brother Beacon," she replied, "Ms.Caroline came up to us and tried to save us from the other lady but they snuck up behind her and injected her with something they took from Beacon's mouth."

"Werewolf venom..." Hope muttered and the twins gasped.

"Oh no, mom's going to die if she doesn't get your blood, Hope!" Lizzie exclaimed.

" Do you think Caroline will come?" Raf asked and as soon as he said that, the door opened and in came an injured Caroline, escorted by two heretics.

"Mom!" The twins shouted.

"Girls, what are you doing here?" Caroline asked.

"We came here to save you!" Lizzie proclaimed and Penelope couldn't help but snort.

"I really appreciate the thought, but look what you've gotten yourself into!" Caroline said, "You have accidentally stepped into a long held grudge."

"Who is she, mom?" Josie asked.

"She's a former friend," Caroline sighed, "Do you remember my husband Stefan?"

The twins nodded.

"She's a woman that cared and loved him very much and let him go," Caroline explained, "And she blames me for getting him killed."

"What? But he died to save everyone from going to hell!" Lizzie said with disbelief.

"Yes but she believes none of this would have ever happened if I had stopped Stefan and let Damon sacrifice himself," Caroline sighed and the others looked at her worriedly.

"Wait, mom, you have to drink Hope's blood," Josie said and Hope nodded, showing her wrist to Caroline.

"They don't know you're Hope Mikaelson do they?" Caroline asked smirking and Hope smiled, nodding.

Hope brought her wrist up to Caroline and Caroline bit her wrist and drank some of Hope's blood. After she was done, she passed out and the room fell silent. Quinn and Beacon looked confused but didn't say anything. When Caroline woke up, she was healed of the werewolf venom.

"Now all we have to do is escape," Caroline smiled and the others smiled right back at her.

"You can try," Valerie said, appearing out of no where and stabbing her in the back with a stake.

"No, mom!" Lizzie screamed.

"Well, since I've heard that Josie is the good I think this will be more painful for all of you to watch," Valerie said coldly with a smug expression.

"No, Jojo!" Penelope growled and she glared at the Heretic with tear stung eyes.

Valerie forced Josie to kneel in front of her mother as Valerie cut Caroline's wrist.

"No, Valerie don't!" Caroline exclaimed, but she did it anyways.
Valerie made Josie drink Caroline's blood before breaking her neck.

"Josie!" The others cried, none louder than Penelope. Penelope's cry was so powerful, it created a powerful, psychic shockwave, making Valerie pass out but make the others just double-over.

"Peez, what did you just do?" MG groaned.

"I-I don't know and I don't care," Penelope said shakily, her eyes not leaving Josie's face.

"Penelope, Josie will be fine...but when she wakes up...she will be hungry," Caroline said sadly, "Plan C...we weren't supposed to use it..."

"What? We don't have to merge now?" Lizzie asked, her voice was laced with worry and relief at the same time.

"Yes, because Josie is a vampire...she's technically dead and you can't perform the merge," Caroline explained, "We didn't want to use this option..."

"What are we going to do with the spell and materials?" Penelope asked.

"Well, we can save it just in case someone has twins that have to do the merge," Caroline said, winking at Lizzie.

After breaking free from her binds, Caroline freed the others. They tied up Valerie and left the basement, fighting everyone in their way to leave the building. Caroline took Josie, Penelope and Lizzie in her car while the rest went with Emma in the van. Caroline, before heading back to the motel, stopped off at the hospital and compelled a worker to give her blood bags. And then they went back to the motel.

Josie awoke in the motel bed, on top of Penelope l, who was asleep. She felt terrible, she was light-headed and hungry. She looked at Penelope and she instantly heard her heart beating...her heart beating with blood...

"Jo! Don't you dare!" Lizzie's voice cut through her thoughts and she snapped out of it.

"W-what?" Lizzie picked up a mirror and gave it to her, when she looked in the mirror she saw her reflection. The veins under eyes had darkened and become apparent. Where the whites of her eyes should be, were a blood red. She was horrified...she was a vampire and she was thinking of drinking Penelope's blood! At that moment her mom walked into the room and tried for a smile as she approached her daughter.

"Here, Jo," Caroline said, giving her a blood bag,"Drink up."

Josie was hesitant at first, a little afraid even, but she took the blood bag and proceeded to drink. As soon as she took a sip, her hunger overwhelmed her and she drank dry. Her mom chuckled and gave her one after the other until Jose's hunger was somewhat satisfied.

"Right now it's okay for you to drink human blood...only out of blood bags of course," Caroline explained, "But when you get to school, you can only drink the animal blood on the fridge."

"I-I'm okay with that...I feel a little guilty for drinking human blood..." Josie said looking at the blood bags with a little distaste. She may have been hungry but she still had her morals.

"That's good then," Caroline said, "In the morning we'll go back to Mystic falls, I have enough blood bags for you. You're a transitioning vampire and you need them."

After Caroline left the room, Lizzie and Josie talked. Penelope eventually woke up and gave Josie a giant hug. They talked and told Josie everything that happened after she was, well, killed. Apparently she has been asleep all day and it's already 8PM all over again.

"This time, no one's going to be sneaking out," Penelope chuckled.

"Yeah--" Before Lizzie began to say something, Hope walked in, crying.

"Hey what happened?" Lizzie asked Hope, as Hope sat down next to her.

"I-I broke up with Landon," Hope said and they all looked shocked, well m, everyone except Lizzie. Who actually looked a little relieved.

"C'mere," Lizzie said, giving Hope a hug and Hope cried into her shoulder.

"Looks like she figured out one part of her quest..." Penelope whispered and Josie playfully slapped her while mouthing, 'not the time.'

Okay so I finished this chapter sooner than I expected. Also, Hizzie won as you can see...sorry Handon stans. Hope you'll stick around for the Posie and story line 😬

I know how much some fans thought the merge storyline was kind of dumb and how there was so many storyline that could've been created while focusing on the main story's my solution to it.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you for reading ;)

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