Ch.31 A Few Moments Is More Than Enough

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Quinn looked deep into Landon's eyes. Landon was frozen, paralyzed...numb. He couldn't talk and his heightened emotions of anger and sadness turned into fear. But being that Malivore manipulated him into being headstrong, his wall wasn't broken.

"Why is nothing happening?" Raf asked, all they saw on the outside was Quinn's glowing eyes staring into Landon's wide eyes.

"Landon has a pretty thick mental wall guys," Penelope explained, "This may take sometime, especially considering that Quinn just got this power yesterday and I gave her instructions literally right before we came down here."

"Instructions?" MG asked.

"Yeah, on how to activate her glowy eye power," Penelope explained, "Staring into her eyes nulls your physical senses but heightens your emotions...especially fear. When his wall is down, I am going to attempt to undo most of Malivore's mind manipulation...maybe I might even see what happened to him after he left us."

"Oh that's a good plan," Josie said smiling, "You're smart and beautiful...what a catch."

"Oh well, you'r-" before Penelope could finish her flirtatious sentence Landonbegan to groan and grunt.

Quinn's eyes glowed brighter and Landon's facial expression become more and more horrified until after a few minutes...Quinn pulled away and Landon slumped over.

"Good job, Q!" Penelope said, high-fiving the 14 year old.

"Thanks...I'm gonna go take a nap..." Quinn said in a drunken drowsiness and she walked up the stairs with a weird gait.

"That must've taken a lot out of her for her first try..." Hope muttered.

" it's my turn," Penelope said rubbing her hands and then placing them on Landon's head.

She concentrated for awhile and when she opened her eyes again, she was in Landon's mind. It was dark and cold, she walked aimlessly for awhile and the more she walked the more voices she would hear. Familiar ones and even her own voice; things she's said and things people have said to her. But there was something about those voices and the things said...they were all negative...a collective amount of things that hurt her at the moment they were said. Soon enough she was walking very fast, the voices and doubts getting louder...and then it all stopped. It stopped, yes, but then it turned into a sadness...a longing. The feelings she felt when she broke up with Josie all the way up to when she left for Belgium. She felt alone even though she surrounded herself with people. Those people didn't understand her...she couldn't talk to them or let her guard down. She was sad, alone, and doubtful.

Would things get better?

Would it all change?

Does making Josie basically hate me help her?

What if this just makes her cling to Lizzie more?

All of her past thoughts clung to her like a shadow. She forgot what she was in Landon's for...all she could feel or remember was pain, sadness, anger, and misery.

On the outside, Penelope collapsed onto her knees. Josie caught her before she could hit the ground. They were all panicking wondering what to do so they got Bonnie, the only other psychic.

"What's wrong with her?"Josie asked Bonnie who crouched down and looked at the teenage girl with concern.

"It seems that her mind is going through the same thing Landon's mind is going through..." Bonnie explained, "Landon's mind is linked to something and whatever it's linked to is making all the negative thoughts and feelings come fact they're heightened in Landon's mind."

"Malivore," Hope said, "Landon is probably feeling the suffering and negative emotions of creatures stuck in Malivore because Malivore linked their minds."

"Seems like it," Bonnie sighed, "We need to remind Penelope of what she's doing in there because the magic of Malivore has made her forget."

"How do we help her?" MG asked.

" seems that she's mostly thinking of you and Josie," Bonnie said closing her eyes, "Both of you put a hand on my shoulder and whatever you say...I will relay to the lost Penelope in her mind."

They did what she instructed and when Bonnie was ready to say their messages, MG went first.

"Hey Peez, I hope you're not thinking anything too crazy right now. This isn't the time to be wondering whether you're super or not. And if you are wondering..." MG began, "You're super duper. You're the sneaky and smart, powerful but careful, considerate and indeoendent. Right now you're feeling what creatures in Malivore are can over come that. I know you can, you've got the whole squad right here right by your side so don't give up or give in!"

MG let go and Josie began to talk.

"Hey Penny, it's me. I don't know what kind of thoughts are running through you're head...all I know is that it's had thoughts. I figure it's probably mostly me. Pen, I forgave you for everything you've did Lizzie. I understand why you did everything you did and I appreciate all of it. All I wish is that I understood everything sooner...and that I had read your note sooner. Of course you were going to leave anyway but...maybe we could've worked things out and told me everything you were going to do...maybe we would hurt less. But that's all in the past have to focus on now. Right now, you are a badass, powerful psychic who cares a lot about the people around her. You are my sweet, considerate, witty girlfriend who gives the best hugs and kisses. You're selfish to be selfless. If anyone has motivation to not give up or give's definitely you because we're all waiting...I'm waiting."

When Josie finished, inner Penelope stopped everything. MG and Josie'a words echoing in the mind space. The darkness was lightening up. Penelope found and developed her drive. She got up and began walking, this time everything was clearer. She spotted Landon and ran to him. He was half normal but the other half was turning to mud.

"Oh no...looks like he absorbed some of his daddy..." Penelope sighed, when she touched that Landon she immidiately saw the moment Landon took a nice skinny dip into Malivore. Malivore and Landon's subconciousness was now was merging. Malivore didn't just want a son...he wanted to become Landon so that he could create more offspring.

"Landon...don't you realize that?" Penelope asked outloud and the normal half of Landon's face opened it's eye.

"I do...but what's the point? I'm not anybody or anything important to you guys...I'm a burden," he said quietly.

"You matter though, my dude," Penelope said, "The others didn't realize what they were doing how they made you feel...they didn't mean to make you feel useless or lime a burden. They cared so much that they wanted to protect you from doing crazy stuff. But they're going to back off now, they want you back...heck, even i want you back. You got the free booze!"

"Haha...I could probably try to regain control but...Malivore's got me good," Landon sighed, "I can only do it sometimes and for a few moments."

"A few moments is more than enough," Penelope said, extending her hand out to him, "C'mon, they want you back."

And here is the next chapter! Ahhhh I'm tired af. Had a long day :)

Hope you all liked this chapter, thank you for reading and have a nice day/night.

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