Ch.33 Flashback Whiplash

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A very long, very tense month has passed since Landon revealed Malivore's plans. There hadn't been any monster attacks, they keep Necromancer sedated, and Landon hasn't woken up. Bonnie uses her magic and psychic abilities to make sure Malivore hasn't taken control of Landon. All while the Super Squad, Dr.Saltzman, Caroline, and Jeremy looked thoroughly for the third and final artifact that could wake makivore as well as the spell that turned Malivore into a mud bath in the first place. Penelope had some side affects from being inside Malivore and interacting with Landon. She would randomly get flashes of his memories and for her they lasted so long when on the real world, mere seconds or minutes were all that passed. Josie was growing concerned with Penelope, she noticed the strange behavior but Penelope always put it off with a joke and smile. Emma informed Penelope that it would only last for a couple of months but it brought her down a lot.

"Penny, what the hell is going on with you?" Josie said, locking the door behind her. Penelope had just shot a kid a cross the room in P.E..

"Nothing! That kid was just passing me off!" She said gruff before throwing herself on to the bed face down.

"You've been scting so strange lately! Why won't you tell me what's up?" Josie yelled.

A second went by as Josie waited for an answer but it didn't come. Josie walked over to Penelope and checked her, she was alive a trance.

"Babe...? Penny...? Penelope...?" Josie said with an increasing sense of panic, she shook her girlfriend but she didn't respond.

Josie ran out into the hall and called for help, a few minutes later, her parents, Bonnie, sister, and Hope were on the scene.

"Jo, what happened?" Dr.Saltzman asked.

"We were arguing and I was confronting her about her recent behavior but then she didn't respond to me after she jumped on to the bed," Josie explained, "She's alive, obviously, but she won't wake up."

Meanwhile in Penelope's mind, she was having a flashback of Landon's memories. This time the memory was with Clarke and he was telling Landon Malivore's origin story. They were in some warehouse or something next to the Malivore pit and after telling his story, Clarke placed pictures of his artifact guesses in front of Landon. Landon chose the wrong artifact and as soon as he did, Penelope immidiately had what felt like whiplash. The vision zoomed in on a specific artifact: a mask. And that's when everything went white.

Penelope sat up straight gasping for air. Josie immidiately held her and the others looked at her worriedly.

"I know what the last artifact is," Penelope sputtered, "I don't know what its called but I can draw it."

Caroline handed her a notepad and Penelope immidiayely started sketching out the mask. When she was done, Dr.Saltzman took it so that he could look for it with Jeremy. Caroline went ou to get water and snacks for Penelope and her daughter. Bonnie talked with Penelope as she final confessed and explained what was going on with her. After Bonnie, Hope, and Lizzie were done scolding her and gone, it was just Josie and Penelope again.

"Why didn't you tell me what was going on with you?' Josie asked, rubbing Penelope's back slowly.

"Emma said it wouldn't last long so I didn't think there was anything to worry about," Penelope sighed and Josie squeezed her tighter before calling her an idiot and kissing her.

A few days after that Dr.Saltzman and Jeremy finally located the last artifact. The two went out to retrieve the artifact that was reportedly in the Muesum of Natural History in New York City. At night, they paid a vampire to get them in and out fast with the mask without getting scene. When they got back, they locked it up and went back into a very high-alert defense system. It was only a matter of time before more monsters could've been sent to retrieve the mask. All they had to do now was look for the Malivore spell. Caroline dozens of other schools and Dorian was out looking up people and places for the spell. They found a total of 7 spells and it was now the witches at Salvatore's job to figure which one was the one the ancient witches used. They obviously knew that they couldn't undo the spell becuase none of them were related to the witches so they looked for loopholes or way to break the spell. So far the only option that could work is siphoning the spell, but who knows if that's how it works.

Elsewhere, Clarke just helped Valerie escape Marcel. A furious Marcel chases them through the streets until the two make Marcel run into a trap using a containtment spell. The pair was ready to launch phase two of their plan: They predicted Landon would tattle-tale. What was about to happen was about to be just as insane as the battle that happened over a month prior but this time it was the Super Squad Vs Triad, Heretics, and Zombies.

I know this chapter is incredibly short but I'm incredibly tired. I was falling asleep while making this and I still am. I'm posting the next chapter tomorrow.

Thank you for reading!

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