Ch.36 "Calm" Before The Storm Pt.2

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"Hope?" Lizzie called, as she ran through the hallways and rooms of Salvatore School.

She couldn't find her girlfriend anywhere, she wasn't even in the basement either. Josie and MG were following her everywhere she went and eventually the trio made their way back to the Dining Hall. When they entered, Penelope, Kaleb, and Jed were sitting at a table with Quinn and Sydney; they were eating dinner.

"How could you people possibly be eating and relaxing while Hope is about to DIE?" Lizzie yelled and slammed her hands on the table causing everyone in the Dining Hall to flinch.

"Eating calms my nerves..." Quinn whispered and Sydney fought hard to keep a smile from tugging at her lips in that serious moment.

"We know about Hope, Quinn and Sydney told us and we looked everywhere as well," Jed said, "We don't know where she could be."

"You guys don't think..." Penelope said looking to Josie with a knowing but questioning expression.

"It takes 7 hours to get there though," Josie said, shaking her head.

"What are you two talking about?" Lizzie demanded.

"Maybe she went to New Orleans...?" Josie suggested, bracing for the worst.

"WHAT! Q! What time did you hear Hope and Dad's conversation?" Lizzie said, gritting her teeth.

"11 AM? 12 PM?" Quinn answered, her voice high.

"Ugh! It's 5 PM!" Lizzie yelled, the tables in the dining hall began to shake.

"Liz...calm down..."MG said reaching out to put a hand on her shoulder but she slapped it away before storming off.

"OK, we'll go after her...Q...Syd...go to my dad and ask where Hope is," Josie instructed and everyone nodded.

Quinn and Sydney ran to Dr.Saltzman's office and barged through the doors but no one was in there. They panicked for a good second before realizing Caroline is probably in her office. They ran to Caroline's office and barged through the doors, Caroline was sitting at her desk; shocked and confused.

"Hello girls...what's with the dramatic entrance?" She asked standing up.

"Where's Dr.Saltzman and Hope?" Quinn huffed.

"They went to visit her family in New Orleans," Caroline said, "Why?"

"We know she's going to die and become a vampire," Sydney said, "And the others know too."

"Oh..." Caroline said before sighing, "My daughter is going to go after her isn't she?"

The two nodded and Caroline made her way around the desk, pacing back and forth.

"They should be arriving in New Orleans right'll be 7 hours behind," Caroline finally said.

"That's fine...I think Lizzie knows she couldn't have stopped Hope but she wants to be there with and for her..." Quinn said as the couple began to walk towards the door, "Thank you, Mrs.Salvatore."

The two ran to the rest of the group that was outside, stealing the school's mini van. They were about to join them but they shook their heads.

"We need you two to be with the rest of the school," Penelope said, "With the school."

"...okay," Quinn she finally said, "I'll do my best."

"Awesome, I know you will," Penelope said smiling and ruffling the shorter raven-haired girl.

The Super Squad departed from the school at the fastest speed possible that was near the speed limit. At first there as traffic but after 7PM it was all smooth driving, they got pulled over and since Lizzie had zero patience she made Kaleb use compulsion and they broke the cop's cameras and audio...that's probably illegal but-- no one will know. They got to New Orleans at 1 AM and immidiately went to the Mikaelson Family home. They stormed the grounds and when they went into the courtyard-like area, they saw Dr.Saltzman sitting in a chair with Marcel.

"Oh no..." Dr.Saltzman sighed before standing up.

As he stood up, Lizzie walked up to her father and slapped him...tears streaming down her face.

" could you let Hope be a vampire!" Lizzie yelled, "Where is she?"

"She's somewhere that will keep her and everyone else safe," Dr.Saltzman said reassuringly, ignoring the slap he just got from his daughter.

"Dad! I need to be by her side!" Lizzie insisted but Dr.Saltzman shook his head.

"When she wakes up she's going to be a new vampire...she'll need some time to get used to her new abilities and cravings," Dr.Saltzman explained, "Since you're her girlfriend, her already bipolar teenage emotions will be heightened and she will crave your blood."

"Your dad is right," Marcel sighed, "You can see Hope when she's adjusted to being a Vampire...and since she's convinced herself to know what to should be before that full moon."

"Can MG, Kaleb, and I see her?" Josie asked, "They're Vampires and I'm a Heretic."

"Yes, in fact you three can help me," Marcel said, "She needs her friends and family."

"Hmph..." Lizzie pouted before walking away, muttering, "Can't even so my own girlfriend..."

"This will be an interesting week," Marcel sighed, leaning back into his chair.

"Yup, I'll show them where they can stay for now," Dr.Saltzman said patting the vampire on the back and gesturing for the Super Squad to follow.

Quite an uneventful last two chapters...I promise we'll see some action next chapter.

Mmm my inconsistent updates....

Very sorry about that....

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, thank you for reading.

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