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It's been a few months since Malivore was defeated and Landon was thrown into the other dimension. During that time, the school fully recovered, students were finally able to walk around and exist carefree, and the school was back to it's normal before all the Malivore stuff. To everyone it felt like a distant memory or a really long and wacky dream or nightmare. They created a funeral for Landon and named the new gym after him, Kirby Court (lmao). Penelope discovered that since she was the one who magically pulled Landon's soul into the dimension, he can't pass on until she passes on. She felt a little guilty about it for awhile but Landon reassured her that it was all good. He wanted to explore the dimension's version of the world even though he couldn't interact with anything. And so he did; Penelope last saw him a month ago when he bid his final farewell.

Unknown to Penelope, Landon was actually last "seen" by someone else: Hope. A day after Landon informed Penelope about him leaving, he appeared to Hope in a dream. Kind of cliche but yes that did happen. Hope was having a strange dream that involved creating a spell for making cheeseburgers and asking Nature to judge the most efficient spell up until Landon walked into the scene. The surrounding area dissolved into a plain, dark gray room. For a second she was having a nightmare and briefly panicked, as she stepped backward she fell into a chair. She was ready to blast the chair away but Landkn immidiately spoke.

"Woah! Stop! You're not in danger!" He said and Hope watched him sit down in a chair that appeared behind him, "I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Huh?" Was all that came out of Hope's mouth before Landon spoke again.

"I'm sorry for everything," He said sincerely, "I was bitter, jealous, and hurt. I felt like an outcast and I know, I know, it's my fault just as much as it is anyone else's fault."

"I'm going to leave, explore the world even though no one can see or hear me," Landon coninued after pausing to see if Hope wanted to say anything, "When Penelope dies, I go where she goes. My spirit is linked to hers."

"So this is a final goodbye?" Hope said quietly, she has experienced something like this many times before and each time it feels like she's experiencing loss for the first time. Despite how she felt, she accepted it. She knew what to say. "I know you'll be okay and I hope you have peace."

"Thank you," Landon smiled, "One last hug?"

Hope, even though it was a dream, began to cry. They both got up and embraced one last time. Before he got up he said one last thing before the scene dissolved:

"Tell Lizzie that I want her to hand carve 'Nerd.'"

And so she did.

At the moment, all of the couples were still together, and eventually Raf and MG found themselves people they liked. MG somehow wooed Mystic Falls High School's head cheerleader. She played hard to get but eventually that ice cold exterior melted to reveal a kind of clingy but loving girl.

They all eventually graduate Salvatore School for The Young and Gifted. Penelope and Josie travel the world for awhile, Lizzie and Hope travel too before finally settling for New Orleans. Despite time passing and never stopping for anyone, the Super Squad kept in touch. They revisited Mystic Falls annually and despite what he said about leaving, Landon ended up visiting Mystic Falls annually just to see how they're doing. They were all family, always and forever.

Welp that is the final chapter. Tbh I made an epilogue cause it bothered me that there was an odd number of chapters 😅 

But hey! Final endings are good too!

Anywho, I apologize that I posted this like a week and a half or something after the final chapter. (Idk, I'm losing track of time)

I don't know how long it will take me to make the Posie fanfiction I promised. I'm going to be a little busier in August and I'm also a very good procrastinator.

When I do finish it, I will make an announcement on this story and a message on my wall thing for my followers. I also might reread every chapter and fix grammar and spelling errors. I use my phone and type fast and I also have this habit of NOT checking my work— whoops.

Thank you for reading my fanfiction! It was one heck of a ride and for those of you that have given me feedback and suggestions, a special thank you to you. This story wouldn't be the way it is without you.

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