Ch.38 Tribrid Time!

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It's veen a full day since Hope became a vampire and she was quickly getting used to all the vampire aspects about herself. She could still use magic and she could still transform into a werewolf. She was basically a walking weapon of mass destruction and doom but right now...she's that 8 year old girl who loved eating beignets with her father.

"'s 8AM and you're eating sugar covered pastries," Josie said with great surprise.

"Yup," Hope said as she stuffed another beignet in her mouth.

"Is this okay?" MG asked Marcel and he just laughed.

"Well...I think it's time for you to be around live people with beating hearts," Marcel said, "When you're done with breakfast, Penelope will come in and you will get an urge to try and suck her dry. The next person will be Lizzie...since she is your girlfriend and you feel strong emotions for her...that will be your greatest challenge. You will still be bound though, just in case."

"Okay...I can do this," Hope said taking in a deep breath.

After they took out the empty tray, Penelope walked in and Hope immidiately started hearing her breathing, pulse, and heartbeat. The veins around her eyes darkened, the whites in her eyes turned red and her eyes turned gold. She immidiately shut her eyes and concentrated on not wanting to rip Penelope's throat out. Josie, MG, and Kaleb stood in front of Penelope just in case Hope tried to lunge at her and/or break free.

"Do Vampire eyes turn gold like that?" Penelope whispered.

"No, it's like that because she's also a werewolf," Kaleb whispered in reply, "Her dad and other Hybrids were the same."

"Shut uo guys..." Hope growled and the darkness of the veins around her eyes were flickering from light to dark as she concentrated on not letting her urges and desires get the better of her.

They stood there for awhile and finally got it all under control. Marcel came in to check up on the progress and he insisted that they stay there like that until lunch so that Hope can build up that tolerance and resistance. So they did. They talked and Hope controlled herself very well to the point that she forgot and ignored her urges. Lunch finally came and they ate. After lunch, Penelope left and in came Lizzie.

When Lizzie walked in, Hope's heart skipped a beat. And so did Lizzie's, Hope could hear it clear as a day. It was loud though and the more she listened and stared at her beautiful girlfriend the crazier her desire, hunger and thirst was.

"Oh boy..." Kaleb sighed as he, the two other vampires, and Lizzie watched Hope's eyes transition again.

" I just stand here?" Lizzie whispered.

"Yeah, stand there until her eyes go back to normal," MG said, "That shows she's in control of her urges."

They stood there for awhile and before  they knew it an hour passed until Hope was finally able to control her urges. They then allowed Lizzie to get closer and talk to Hope. Lizzie scolded Hope for doing the whole vampire thing without telling her but also relayed her feelings of support and understanding. Those words helped Hope calm down even more and forget about her urges. So then to teat out Hope even more, they brought Penelope and Dr.Saltzman in.

Hope's eyes flickered back and forth for awhole before finally settling on her normal eyes. They all talked casually and Hope was getting better at controlling her urges. By the end of the day, she was unchained and able to control her urges. This was a record for a new vampire.

The next day, it was time to teach Hope how to use her super speed and control her multiplied super strength. They all taught her in the courtyard and by lunchtime, she was speeding like a champ. They then decided to test her magic and wolf transitioning: she still had full control over all of that as well.

Hope was a true, fully realized Tribrid. Now all that was left to do is store her blood in a bag each day until the full moon...which was in 3 days. They were going to throw the fully realized tribrid blood into Malivore to see if it would work instead of Hope jumping in and sacrificing herself.

So from that moment on, their schedule was: bag Hope's blood, let Hope rest, eat lunch, train  and repeat. On the day before the full moon, they went to sleep early so that they could leave early in the morning. They were aiming to get back to Mystic Falls by lunch time and hopefully, things have been alright there.

Well, things were alright until now.

For the first time in weeks, Landon's eyes opened. wasn't Landon that straightened out...

It was Malivore.

And the cold smile etched onto his face didn't need explaining.

Hello :)))
Look at me!
I updated within three days again for the first time on like two or three weeks :))))))
As you can probably tell... this story is gonna end soon :(

I hope you will all enjoy the final chapters!

And don't forget guys! I'm going to make a completely Posie fanfic after this is done. And I'm not going to just make the story and update it weekly or something like that...I, I am going to write the whole thing and then publish it. I know how much it hurts to wait for a fanfic's next chapter! Especially one focused on one of your OTPs! I will post an announcement when it is done in this story and if you follow me, I'll also post it on my conversation wall thing.


Thanks for reading my fanfic, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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