Ch.5 What Am I Here For?

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"What're you gonna do when I'm not here to fight for you anymore?" Penelope asked, stepping closer to the "fallen" Josie.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Josie asked as she got up.

"You wanna know?" Penelope asked, "Read the letter."

Before making her leave she took one last glance at a smug faced Lizzie, feeling a twitch of annoyance, she turned and left. Josie, clearly confused, turned around and made eye contact with her sister before leaving.

As she made it into the hall, she was surprised to see that Penelope was already gone so she ran to her room to read the letter. When she got there, she took it out from underneath a box on her nightstand. She tore open the envelope and opened the piece of paper that read:

Hey Jojo,

I'm sorry that I'm telling you this way but I'm leaving for Belgium on the night of the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. My mom is going there and I decided to go with. I bet you still hate me but I never stopped loving you, despite how it may appear. I hope that either by the time I leave or soon after, you'll realize that I had a purpose. I won't tell you but I know you'll piece it all together, you're an amazingly beautiful, smart girl. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you, I really am. I just hope all your experiences will help you grow and realize what I've been trying to tell you all along. I could've told you in person but...I don't think I could commit to going if I did.

Always yours,
Penelope Park

P.S. Tell MG thanks for me, he's been a good friend despite what I've been doing and what everyone says.

I love you ♡

As Josie read the note, her eyes stung. She read it a second time just to take it all in.

Penelope's...leaving? She thought, No...what...she's leaving...she's leaving tonight!

Josie immediately got up and ran out the door into the hall. She ran as fast as she could in heels to Penelope's room, when she got there, she busted in without even knocking. The room was partially empty, the bedding were made and most of Penelope's stuff were gone except for things like papers, pencils, pens, etc.

Oh no did she already leave??? Josie panicked as she ran out of her room.

She ran past a hall in the ballroom but she rewinded for a second to see Lizzie standing nearby so she confronted her.

"They're about to announce the winners, where have you been," Lizzie whispered.

"I was getting the note Penelope wrote me, she's leaving the school" She tried to whisper but her voice was a little too choked up to do that.

"Oh yeah. I knew that," Lizzie said a little too smugly, "I overheard dad talking to her parents."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Josie said whisper yelling, making Lizzie confused by the sudden anger.

As they continued to argue, Lizzie began to realize how much she messed up. In both the sister department and the friend department, regarding Hope and the dress she was wearing.

Oh no... Lizzie thought as she turned around and Josie stormed away.

Josie was getting closer to the front of the school. The thought of the girl she tried to hate leaving...the girl she could never truly hate because she loved her so much...leaving... As she was running, she briefly remembered when they first met.


It was when they were thirteen years old. Penelope had just started going to Salvatore and the twins were her tour guides when her parents dropped her off on the first day.

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