Ch.32 (This Smut lol)

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Landon awoke and Penelope sat up straight, startling everyone in the room.

"Penny! Are you okay?" Josie asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah...and I managed to get Landon away from his dad's half for a moment," Penelope huffed as Josie helped her to stand.

"Landon, what's happening?" Hope asked.

"I shut off my dad's half in my brain...he's going to take over my body," Landon explained, "He didn't just want a son who can make more of his blood. He wanted me so that he could take over my body and make his own heirs and be undying."

"He just wanted you to be his vessel..." Bonnie muttered, "That's one way to manipulate blood."

"How do we stop him?" Hope asks.

"You need to destroy the Malivore mud pool," Landon explained, "He's looking for the third key to unlock Malivore and when he does, he will fully take over my mind and force my body to jump into the body will somehow burn the pit and absorb it. I don't know how that works...but you need to destroy the pit."

"Okay, do you know what the spell is?" Josie asked and he shook his head.

Landon passed out after answering a few questions so everyone left the cell. Bonnie went to Dr.Saltzman's office to inform the other adults of what Landon revealed. The Super Squad went to the library except for Penelope and Josie, Josie insisted she needed rest after going through Landon's Malivore-corrupted mind. The two entered their room and Penelope colapsed onto the bed, Josi3 following her.

"What was it like in there?" Josie asked slowly and quietly, "What was it like to basically be inside of Malivore."

"Horrible, really," Penelope sighed, "Its so dark and depressing. That lonliness can drive someone mad, the doubts and feelings that get genuinely sucks."

"I bet it does, babe," Josie said snuggling up to her girlfriend, head resting on her chest, "But you're not there anymore. You're out here, you have your friends... you have me."

Penelope didn't say anything and when Josie looked up, she saw tears welled up in her girlfriends eyes as she looked away.

"Babe...what's wrong?" Josie said shifting her body so that she was still on Penelope but could still wipe away a falling tear.

"When I was in Malivore... my emotions were so wild, my thoughts were uncontrollable and my doubts just...ate me up..." Penelope confessed, choking up, "I-I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused you and even your sister...I still believe in my reasoning but... I shouldn't have been such a...such a bitch."

"Penny..." josie started but Penelope cutnher off and continued to ramble.

"I-I broke up with you without even giving you a reason... I kissed MG out of spite...I basically bullied your sister...and i did all of that because I wanted you to be less codependent..." Penelope sobbed before whispering, "I'm such a terrible person..."

Josie who sat there and let her ramble, was shaking. Not from fear or sadness...but from a very low key anger. She cupped Penelope's face with both of her hands, making the other girl look at her.

"Penelope Park. I've told you a million times that we all forgive you," Josie said sternly while looking straight into her eyes, "I love you. I love all of your obnoxious, selfish, evil heart...with all of my obnoxious , selfish, evil heart."

A smile tugged at the corner of her lips and Josie could tell, so she shifted closer to Penelope...gently placing a soft kiss on her lips. Penelope wrapped her arms around Josie's neck, Josie moved her leg so that she was fully on top of Penelope. When they pulled away from their passionate kissing, smiles of happiness and gazes filled with love were all that were apparent. They began to kiss again, a heated make-out session that ended with both of them stripping articles of clothing off the other. Using magic, Penelope waved her hand to lock the door; she didn't want anyone to inerrupt.

"Im not being the bottom today, babe," Penelope smirked before flipling their positions so that she was the one pinning Josie down.

"Mmm..but...don't you want to relax?" Josie said softly and slowly into her ear, turning the other girl on even more, "It would be my pleasure~"

"Ob but babe..." Penelope said seductively as she rubbed her leg against Josie, "It would be my pleasure to let you relax..."

Josie let out a moan as Penelope's hand fondled with her boobs. Penelope smirked as she kissed Josie again, this time with more heat and passion. Penelope's hands traveled downward and stopped at the inner part of Josie's thighs in which Penelope slowly rubbed, causing Josie's breath to hitch and her body to shudder. Penelooe then continued and began to inch closer and closer to Josie's sensitive treasure. Penelope trailed her kisses to Josie's neck as she rubbed ger pussy. Josie moaned, louder than she wanted but she couldn't think about anything for longer than one second...all she could think about was how good she felt and how much she loved the girl who was making her feel good. After what could've been an endless amount of teasing, Penelope, finally, slowly trusted her fingers in... causing the very excited Josie to orgasm.

"Mmm...babe that was quick," Penelope chuckled, "But I'm not done."

Penelope continued to thrust one finger...then two in and out, Josie holding on to her tightly as she attempted to stifle her moans. When Josie orgasmed again, Penelope dropped onto her, feeling triumphant.

"That was great babe..." Josie huffed, "Now it's your turn."

Penelope's eyes went wide in surprise as Josie flipped her over and began kissing her passionately. Josie teased her even more cruelly than she did that Penelope glared at her. Josie just laughed before her own fingers began to thrust in and out of the shorter girl. It went on like that for an hour before they decided to continue in the shower. They didn't stop kissing as Josie turned in the shower, they stepped in and Penelope immidiately pinned Josie up against the wall. They constantly switched dominance as they contjnued to make each other orgasm until they were finally and content and satisfied...another, hour later.

As they got into bed, clothed, tired, but incredibly happy. They talked for while until they both began to nod off.

"I love you..." Josie whispered, her eyes closed.

"I love you too, Jojo..." Penelope whispered back, her heavy eye lids finally closing as she succumbed to sleep to sleep.

Hahah hey guys...I am so sorry that this took two, almost three days to post. But I have some reasons:
1.) I couldn't decide if I should make this chapter the smut.

2.) I'm not good at writing smut.

3.) My allergies have been acting up and my skin is reacting like a bitch.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and my attempt at smut. Thank you for reading :)))

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