Ch.34 Don't Be Suspicious

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While the girls continued to look for the spell, the boys went to the location Hope gave them. The location of where Malivore originally was. They decided to go there to scout out the complex, check how guarded it was, ways to get in, ways to get out...that whole shindig.

The boys, MG, Raf, Kaleb, and Jed were given a black car and drove down to Georgia. When they arrived they explored the town and facility by day, at night, they try to get in. They wore masks to conceal their identity, gloves, and wore shoes that wouldn't make a sound. They split into groups of two, one vampire and one werewolf, as they infiltrated the building and explored. They knew the facility probably had cameras so they wore spelled bracelets that messed with the cameras. They found a door that required a code and keycard, both of which they didn't have.

The next day they pulled aside a member of Triad that worked there and tried to compel him, it didn't work because he was on vervain. The member tried to fight them but they easily overpowered him, knocked him out, and took him back to their room. They kept him there until the vervain was out of his system, over a day later. They got his pass code and key card, afterward they compelled him to forget everything.

That very night the boys went to the facility, snuck back in and went to the door they couldn't pass through before. When they unlocked it, they went down a long corridor with doors with regular locks on them; at the very end was an elevator. The group used the elevator to go down and had to use the key card and code again. When the door opened, they were introduced to what looked like tech laboratory. There were some non-menacing blinking lights and dimmed lights, but other than that everything was good. They made their way to the window of the room that overlooked a lower area. They saw where the pit had been and were intrigued. It was lined with weird mechanical contraptions that giant Warnings of possible and immediate death by fire if not handled properly. It looked they were trying to heat up the place where the pit was supposed to be. They were trying to revive that pit and it clearly wasn't working.

After they searched the place, they finally decided to leave. The others also discovered that officially MG's mom owns Triad but Clarke controlled it. They returned back to Mystic Falls and Salvatore school, they informed everyone of the interesting discovery that they found about the former pit.

"Its dried up and Triad is trying to use heat machines to make it crack," Raf explained, "I think they're trying to first bring it back like regular mud before trying the magical solution."

"That place could be good for a diversion," Hope said, "We pretend we're going to take out Triad but secretly surround the Salvatore Crypt where the current mud pool is."

"That's a good idea but we still eon't have the spell," Lizzie sighed.

"It's one golem creation spell...maybe we can guess and figure it out," Josie suggested.

"No need to guess anymore, girls," Caroline said happily as she came into the room, " the spell!"

Caroline had somehow gotten the spell and wrote it down. The group went from 'Mm....' to 'Yes!' in 0.2 seconds. The two girls got onto their feet and tackled their mom with a hug. After getting the excitement out of all of their systems, they proceeded with planning.

They are going to wait until the next full moon and get some older students along with Jeremy Gilbert to go to Triad and create a distraction. The Super Squad and Dr.Saltzman would sneak up on the crypt. Caroline, Quinn, and Beacon would be back up forces for either the Distraction party or the Sneak Attack party. Bonnie and Emma were mainly defenses for the school and the back-back up.

The very next day, the witches were developing ways to destroy the pit. The last thing they wanted to do is let Hope die and activate her Vampirism then jump into Malivore.

"What if I don't need to activate my vampirism and jump into the pit?" Hope said, "What if we create another golem to absorb Malivore?"

"Wouldn't that be fighting fire with fire?" Penelope asked.

"That's an interesting theory...but i don't think that'll work," Bonnie said, "Malivore is older and smarter. He might make the golem turn or he'll absorb it."

" about before we do anything..." Penelope piped up, "We destroy the part of Malivore thing over Landon's mind so that Malivore doesn't become an immortal phoenix-golem. "

"True..." Bonnie said, "I will be doing the mind freeing this time and I'll bring a friend of yours to encourage Landon."

"Hey guys," as if on que (probably was), Wade walked into the room and waved.

"Wade? You're going togo inside of Landon's mind with Bonnie?" Josie asked.

"Yes, Landon and I have a mutual understanding that's clearly very important," Wade explained, "We both know what it's like to be made fun of and out cast because we want to believe in ourselves and discover why we're different from all the other differents."

"Wow ok, that's great then," Hope said, "The helping part not the being made fun of and out cast part."

Wade smiled and nodded. Bonnie got up and the two of them left to go for Landon.

Whatever was going to happen next...was going to be a doozy.

I thought I pressed publish earlier but I guess I didn't😬

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, have a great day :)

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