Ch.37 New Hope

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When Hope awoke she had a migraine, whacky vision, and everything was loud. She could hear the bustling streets of New Orleans and the weird noises she was hearing from the room next door. When she sat up, her vision was shakey but clear and she looked to the clock. 11:34 AM.

"Ugh...I was out for 12 hours....?" Hope croaked, unable to recognize her own voice.

When she began to wake up she realized how hungry she was. It felt like she hadn't eaten in days. Just as she was getting up, she was pulled back into her bed. She looked at her wrists, feet and waist: she was chained down.

She pulled on the chains and as she was pulling, the door opened. In came Marcel with a tray of food and a couple of blood bags.

"Morning, Hope!" He said with a smile and set the tray on the bed in front of hope.

"Morning..." Hope said distrsctedly as she began to stuff her face with food.

"How are you feeling?" Marcel asked, "You don't feel too bad do you?"

" just...thirsty..." Hope muttered as she eyed the blood bags. The older vampire noticed and gave a blood bag to Hope.

"First thing we are going to do is teach you how to control your blood urges," Marcel said, "And that includes limiting the amount of human blood you ingest for the next day or two...and then we'll move you on to animal blood."

"Okay..." Hope said before asking, "Wait...we?"

"Yes, we!" MG said popping his head into the room, Kaleb following.

"We are going to help you be a domestic vampire," Kaleb joked.

"Josie too but uh...she's still with Penelope in bed," MG said scratching the back of his head.

"No I uh...I think they're awake..." Hope whispered, she can hear them in the room next door.

"We know..." Kaleb whispered in reply and they all smiled awkwardly at each other.

"After we teach you control of your urges and abilities...we are going to test the unknown...the abilities of a fully realized Tribrid," Marcel said standing up and leaving two blood bags with Hope, "I'll l3ave you with these two and ill go knock on Ms.Saltzman's door so she can participate in this fun activity."

After Marcel left and the boys began to explain some vampire things to Hope, Josie came in. She was slightly aloof but she contributed after the other two vampires caught her up on what's going on.

While the vampires were giving their TED talks, the others were out in the courtyard discussing what to do while they were there.

"Raf and I are going to go explore New Orleans," Jed announced, "You two wanna come with?"

"Nah, Imma stay here," Penelope yawned before taking a bite out of an apple, "Maybe I'll do a little snooping in that ancient study/library that belonged to Elijah Mikaelson."

"I'm staying as well, maybe I'll get to see my girlfriend," Lizzie said, crossing her arms.

"You aren't allowed to see her until like...tonight or tomorrow though," Raf said.

"Have I ever listened to rules?" Lizzie asked, eyebrow raised and Raf looked at her for a second before shrugging in agreement. The two werewolves walked off into the streets that would've once hunted them down and killed them.

Penelope stood up and threw out the apple core before heading back inside, leaving Lizzie there.

Lizzie sat there for a while thinking before finally getting up and quietly making her way to Hope's room. She put her ear against the door to try and hear what was going on.

"...and even though you can the pumping of blood and heart beat of people right now and have an urge to bite," Kaleb was concluding, "You will learn to control it and you'll be able to have intimate moments with your girlfriend."

"Yeah, it'll take some time but you'll get used to it," Josie said reassuringly.

" how do I control my hearing?" Hope asked.

"Focus on this room and block out everything else," MG said, "Eventually you'll be able to do everything automatically."

"This all sounds like it'll take a lot of time," Hope said worriedly.

"It will but by the Full Moon we promise you that with our guidance and'll be in enough control to go out into the world and kick some Malivore ass!" Josie said and Lizzie could hear them high fiving.

"Any want a snack?" MG asked, "We'll get you a blood bag and a snack of your choice before continuing."

"A plate of beignets," Hope said smiling and MG looked confused as to what that was, "Just tell Marcel and he'll know what it is."

Lizzie scrambled away from the door and jumped into the room across the hall. When MG exited the room and heard the door close, he entered the room and saw Lizzie smiling at him nervously while pretending to look through things.

"Liz, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Uh...I am..." Lizzie looked around the room and noticed the amount ofnpaintings in it, "I am looking at all these paintings!"

"They were painted by Kalus Mikaelson," Marcel interjected as he leaned on the door frame, "This is only a handful of his of art."

"Oh wow..." MG and Lizzie said in unison before MG snapped out of it.

"Oh um, I was going to go get Hope a snack and a blood back...but i don't know what a ben-bein-beneigh? Is?" MG said, trying hard to say the pastry Hope wanted.

"A beignet," Marcel chuckled, "I can get a plate of those, be back in a bit. An Lizzie, get better at sneaking. I could hear you from the other side of the house."

After Marcel left, MG went to get the blood bag for Hope and Lizzie just sat outside the door. She could've walked right in but something inside her was telling her now was not the right time. And for once, she was going to listen to that voice inside her that used to drive her insane.

Hey so yeah, this update is three days later. Whoops. In these past three days I had to do multiple online quizzes because school ends in two and a half weeks and my teachers like being bitches. I also had to write a whole other short story that consisted of poems and shit for my AP English class. Then I had to take my AP History exam to try and get in to that. And during my free time I was, well, face timing my friends or reading or playing ROBLOX with my friends lol

So yeah, my life just got in the way.
Other than that I hope you all have okay lives right now. Crazy things have been happening here in the United States. I hope everyone's safe and yes, I support #Black Lives Matter. Support it 100%. I know there is a difference between the protestors and looters. I also know that not ALL cops are bad.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading :)

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