Ch.7 Somewhere In Belgium...

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It has been two long and very busy months since Penelope arrived in Belgium. When she arrived, she quickly unpacked everything and put stuff where she wanted using magic. Then she contacted Caroline Forbes about her arrangement and they met up.

"So you're notorious Penelope Park?" Caroline joked as the both of them sat down outside a cafe.

"Yup, that's me," Penelope smiled and they shook hands.

"Josie and Lizzie have told me a lot about you," Caroline chuckled and Penelope turned red.

"I-I'm sure they did...probably a lot of bad things," Penelope said and Caroline smiled sympathetically.

"Yeah, after hearing all of what Lizzie told me," Caroline said, "I was surprised when Alaric said Josie's ex wanted to help me us with finding a loophole in for the merge."

They stopped talking for a second to order lunch, and when the waiter left they continued their conversation. Starting off with how she found out about the merge and what she learned about all the ancient covens.

"Wow you're very well informed!" Caroline chuckled as she put down her BLT, "Color me impressed."

"Ha ha, yeah," Penelope replied, she's usually cooler than this but this is Josie's mom and she was really jittery.

"I'm assuming you wanted to get into all of this to save Josie?" Penelope nodded and Caroline just smiled, "You love her, don't you?"

"Yes, I do," Penelope said, looking up to lock eyes with Caroline, "And I didn't mean to break your daughter's heart for no reason...I didn't do everything I did, with no purpose--"

"You wanted her to build strength from her experiences and pain," Caroline finished for her and Penelope nodded. "I admire that, and from what I'm told and what I've read from your school're a very smart and talented witch."

"I will try not to hold you back or be useless," Penelope said, "I want Josie to live, I want both of them to be their own people."

"Good," Caroline said smiling, "You're going to have to hold on to your love and determination to not go crazy if and when we don't find what we want."


In present time, Penelope felt like she was missing something or forgetting someone...she remembered someone promised her to update her on how Josie's doing but she couldn't remember who. She wanted to write to Josie or call her or something but she knew it was a bad idea.

I can't try to contact Josie for awhile...Penelope thought, Tough love just sucks like that...

As Penelope was packing the stuff she was bringing to school she got a text from Caroline.

When you arrive at school tomorrow, go straight to the headmistress' office. I'll be there.

Ok, got it, see you in the morning.

Penelope had to admit it was kind of weird working with her ex's mom but she pushed it aside knowing that she was doing something good. While looking through some of her old books, something fell out and when she looked at it...her heart skipped a beat. It was a little note Josie passed to her one time in their Chemistry of Magic class when they had just started dating. It was simple and said: "I lob u <3" with a handdrawn picture of a blob fish smiling. It was weird but it was sweet and she still thought is was as adorable as when she first received it. After putting the note back in the book, she got ready for bed because she was about to spend a whole school year in a whole other country's witch-only school.

Yeah, yeah, I know this chapter wasn't much but ya gotta know how Penelope's doing right?

Next chapter is going to be more interesting, promise. Thank you for reading :)

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