Ch.13 Strength Isn't Evil

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It's been a few days since Caroline, Penelope, Jeremy, and Bonnie's arrival. Jeremy has been researching the arrow and ancient artifacts like it, sometimes Dr.Saltzman would help. Bonnie has been trying to talk with the spirits of nature and trying spells on the arrow. The others have been anxiously waiting for news on him but turn up disappointed at the end of each day.

"What if they talked with Necromancer?" Josie said at dinner. That was the first time she's spoken at dinner ever since Penelope came back so it surprised everyone.

"Well I mean like, they'll probably be allowed to go see him and not us..." Hope grumbled, stabbing the chicken strip on her plate and shoving it in her mouth.

"What's with you?" Kaleb asked but before Hope could answer, he saw Alyssa Chang and jumped up, sprinting to her.

"Well then..." Raf chuckled and the others laughed too.

"Anyways, why don't we just suggest to them to talk to Necromancer?" Lizzie said.

"Yeah let's do that," Hope said and she got up, Lizzie followed but when Josie was about to follow Hope stopped her.

"Sorry Josie, but I think you should stay..." Hope said eyeing Penelope and MG.

"Uh...ok?" Josie said frowning before sitting back down.

When they left, Josie realized what just happened. She was with Penelope, MG, and Raf.

"Yeah Raf and I need to go..." MG started looking to Raf for help.

"Make sure that the werewolf restraints and student protection is in place," Raf finished, "Full moon is coming up!"

And with that the two practically ran out of the room, leaving Josie with Penelope. It was awkward, Josie was looking down and Penelope was looking right at her.

"Oh c'mon, Jo," Penelope sighed, "It's just me."

"That's the's you..." Josie said quietly, her voice trailing off.

"Here, I'll tell you all the juicy details of my time in Belgium," She said resting her hand on Josie's shoulder, she tensed up but then relaxed.

"Ok then..." Josie said slowly and looked up at Penelope who smiled at her, making her heart skip a beat. They talked and joked around up until curfew.

Not a bad way to end the night...Penelope thought as she parted ways with Josie at her dorm.

The very next day Bonnie, Jeremy and Caroline confronted Necromancer. After a head dive and torture/interrogation, they successfully pulled out information on the arrow: it was created by nature against 'truly' immortal beings and was very much like the Phoenix Sword.

"What's the Phoenix Sword?" Hope asked Dr.Saltzman.

"It is a weapon that could entrap the soul of a vampire after impaling said vampire in the heart," Dr.Saltzman explained, "The Phoenix stone that was on that sword was destroyed and the souls of those vampires were released but unfortunately, possessed the bodies of recently deceased."

"And what's even more interesting is that it was created by the Brotherhood of the Five...something that I so happen to be a part of..." Jeremy said, "We think this Golden arrow was also created by the Brotherhood for the original purpose of going after vampires...but something went wrong and it can only trap Phoenixes and immortals."

"Immortals like that Silas guy you guys went up against?" Lizzie asked and the adults all nodded.

"We need to find a way to break this arrow and lead Landon's soul back to his body," Bonnie explained, "We can't melt it because it is quite literally fire proof and it has a spell on it to make it indestructible. We need one of you two to siphon the spell...but be careful to only siphon the spell and not Landon."

"Aren't souls different from spells?" Lizzie asked.

"They are but in this case, Landon's soul is directly linked to the arrow and it's magic...that includes the spell," Bonnie explained, "So this requires immense concentration and the both of you."

"Both of us...?" Josie said anxiously, "I don't know if I'm ready to use my powers yet..."

"This may sound very straight forward but Josie...we need you to get, now," Hope said.

"Can I have like, a day?' Josie asked and the others looked at each other before finally agreeing to letting her have a day to mentally prepare herself.

When they all left Dr.Saltzman's office, Penelope who wasn't in the meeting, was there waiting for Josie.

"So what's they say?" Penelope asked, walking with Josie to her dorm.

"Lizzie and I need to siphon this powerful indestructible spell from the arrow," Josie sighed.

"That doesn't sound too hard..." Penelope said, "so why do you look worried?"

"I'm kind of scared to use magic again...I mean like Hope's dad gave me advice but I didn't think I'd have to use my magic again so soon," Josie explained as she sat down her bed and Penelope sat down next to her.

"Jo, it's okay to be strong," Penelope said, "You weren't that dark person because you were strong, you were like that because of the dark magic and your view of evil and strength. Hope is strong but she's not evil, your mom is strong but she's not evil, that witch Bonnie is strong and she's not evil."

"But what if that dark me is my future? What if the strength corrupts me?" Josie said, her voice choking up a little, "I don't want to be that dark me."

"And you won't! The dark magic is out of your system, you have all your friends, and your parents!" Penelope said cupping Josie's face with her hands so that they're looking at each other.

"...I-I thought you went to Belgium because you didn't think I was worth fighting for anymore," Josie whispered as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Jo, I know what I said when I left...but I only said that hoping you would fight for yourself..." Penelope said, wiping tears from Josie's cheeks, "And you you just need the confidence to do it again. Hope told me what you were like before that dark side got were strong and independent...kind of intimidating supposedly."

At the last words Josie smiled and Penelope smiled back. Penelope pulled Josie into a hug and they stayed like that for awhile. When they pulled away they just stared into each other's eyes. Both of them had a strong urge to kiss the other and were about to act upon it until...

"GUYS I FOUND THIS WICKEDLY COOL-" MG exclaimed as he burst through the door. Josie instinctively jumped off the bed and Penelope stood up so fast that her vision went black for a second.

"Uh...sorry...did I interrupt something...?" MG asked apologetically.

"N-nope!" Josie said jumping up on to her feet.

MG looked back and forth between them before showing them a 'wickedly cool' manga on witches. After MG and Penelope left, Josie went to her little piggy bank and emptied it out. She found the coin with her magic sealed inside of it and unsealed it...accepting her magic back. She put the coin back in the piggy bank and before leaving she looked at herself in the mirror and whispered:

"Strength is not evil."

Wow I'm kind of on a roll! Here I am, very glad to deliver some much needed Posie :)))

Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter, I know I can be very inconsistent with updates...whoops!😅

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