Ch.29 Destiny's A Bitch

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Marcel, with all his strength, threw Valerie into a tree and she died from a broken spinal cord.

"C'mon, she'll come back to life later...we need to tie her up," Hope yelled as she cast a very potent spell that knocked out the rest of the Heretics.

"Yeah, good idea..." Marcel said and they took Valerie's body and ran to the old mill.

"What did she mean by you being a threat to Malivore?" Marcel asked when they arrived at the old mill.

"Im like poison to him in my current state," Hope explained as she bound Valerie in vervain ropes, chains, and regular ropes and chains.

"You're like poison...but can you actually kill him?" Marcel asked tying a gag around Valerie's mouth.

"Yes...but only if i become a full tribrid," Hope sighed, "I'd have to activate my vampire side."

"Well then...what's the problem with that?" Marcel asked, clearly seeing the distress on her face, "Being a Vampire isn't all that bad."

"Ha ha I know...but...I don't know what would happen to me," Hope explained, "I don't know if I'd lose my magic or if me losing my magic is what brings on the so-called 'end to all witches'..."

"I understand your dilemma but Hope," Marcel said, lightly swueezing Hope's shoulder, "It isn't the end of the world if witches are unable to use magic."

"Yeah many many people who made themselves enemies to vampires or werewolves wouldn't be able to protect themselves anymore." Hope explained, "And what if I'm not just the 'end of witches' but the end of magic? What if it reverses vamoires and they all die because their vampirism isn't keeping them alive anymore?"

"You have a point...but what if that doesn't happen?" Marcel reasoned, "You're a loophole to make your own rules."

Hope smiled at the optimistic spunkiness of Marcel, he was technically her brother.

"Mrmph!" The two turned to see Valerie glaring at them and struggling.

"There's no use Valerie..." Marcel chuckled as he walked to over to the Heretic, "Now...let's see if we can get some information out of you."

Back at the gates, Lizzie and Josie are holding off the giant undead dragon. The others around them are successfully beating Triad soldiers, witches, Heretics, and zombies. Josie was seriously going all out, unleashing her full power. She sped around the dragon, yelling offensive spells that distracted, irritated, and effectively weakened the dragon. Lizzie was siphoning off of MG, keeping a containment spell around the dragon so that it couldn't move closer to the school. Penelope ran out onto the battlefield with Bonnie and the two wolves, ready to fight. Bonnie helped Lizzie with the containment spell while Penelope knocked out soldiers, Heretics, and zombies alike. Wolf Quinn and Beacon, along with the other teansformed wolves, bit as many Heretics as they could. Dr.Saltzman and Caroline were against the idea but...they didn't really have a say in the werewolf's actions; Jed didn't care about anyone except the students at Salvatore.

"Penelope! Kaleb! Werewitch siblings! Go after Necromancer! Josie can't fight an undead dragon forever!" Lizzie ordered, and the said people acknowledged the order and ran into the woods to look for him. When Landon infiltrated the building the other night...he also seemed to have released Necromancer. After a very long period of searching, they located Necromancer at the dock.

"Oh well if it isn't Belgium, BBQ, and the pups..." Necromancer chuckled, "You could attack and capture me...but...then my undead minions would have to hurt your friends."

He waved his hands and some zombi3s came into view, holding Sydney, Pedro, and two little witch girls hostage.

"What kind of sicko threatens children's lives?" Kaleb asked disgusted.

"Oh well, I do..." Necromancer chuckled, "This is just a little revenge for keeping me in a stale basement dungeon for months!"

"You attacked us, what did you expect?"Penelope said, crossing her arms.

"But still!" Necromancer said, waving his hands dramatically.

The two teenagers continued to banter with Necromancer, successfully keeping him from noticing that the two wolves were gone.

"Anyways...I got your little frie-" Necromancer stopped talking when he turned to see the zombies beheaded and Quinn back in human form with Wolf Beacon. The younger kids stood behind the two and Sydney kept both of her hands up, preparing to cast a small of needed.

"Thank again, deadbeat," Quinn growled, she intensely glared into Necromancer's eyes and when her eyes glowed brightly, Necromancer made a strange squeking noise before finally passing out.

"Woah, what was that?" Sydney asked in awe.

"Hehe...something new..." Quinn said, scratching her head. Quinn's eyes went from a violent crimson to maroon when she looked at her crush.

"Wow ok, uh..." Kaleb said smiling, "We should get back to the others with our once again prisoner.

Kaleb walked over to Necrkmancer's limp body and swung him over his shoulder. Beacon transformed back into human and Penelope ajd Kaleb quickly offered their jackets to help him cover up. When they got back to the school, the steudents and teachers rounded up the triad soldiers into one area, the heretics in another, and piles the dead corpses up to light on fire. Penelope immidiately ran over to an exhausted Josie, and caught her before she could fall.

"Hey babe," Josie breathed, "I think I need a nap."

"No, I think you need to hibernate," Penelope chuckled and Josie smiled at her.

Elsewhere in the same vicinity, Hope reappeared with Marcel and Lizzie ran to her immidiately. Lizzie crushed her in a hug and Hope laughed, Marcel stood there smiling at the sight.

"Okay everyone! Let's finish cleaning up and then everyone can go to bed!" Dr.Saltzman yelled and everyone cleaned as fast as they could before running back into the building.

"Kaleb, can you and the vampires compel the Triad soldiers to forget everything?" Caroline asked the teenager, "I'll help you."

The vampires compelled the surprisingly vervain free soldiers to drive away in the trucks and go home. When Bonnie and Emma fixed the gate and barriers around the school, they retreated back in to the building to check on students. Dr.Saltzman and Marcel came to an agreement which involved taking Valerie back with him and keeping Necromancer in the Old Mill.

"So...what have we learned today?" MG said, turning to his circle of friends standing in front of the entrance of the school.

"That Salvatore School is awesome?" Quinn asked.

"That we are quite literally unbeatable?" Lizzie asked, smiling.

"No...that The Super Squad overrules visions and destiny!" MG proclaimed, pumping a fist into the air.

"Ha ha yeah..." Penelope chuckled, "Destiny's a bitch."

The others laughed as they all put their hands in the middle and yelled 'Super Squad' while swinging their said hands into the air with triumph. Although they one just one was nice winning and persevering with friends.

Haha I am so sorry that I didn't publish this chapter sooner! I've been incredibly distracted with things lately...

*cough* She-Ra *cough* *cough*

I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the chapter! Thank you!

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