Ch.41 Filthy Mudblood

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In the outside world, although she was sitting down, Penelope still fell backward. As she fell, so did Landon's now soulless body. Josie ran over to her and held the ubcincious Penelope close to her chest.

"What exactly did Penelope do?" Lizzie asked and the others shrugged.

"Josie, you go take Penelope inside," Hope instructed, "Lizzie, come with me, we need to go back up your dad and Marcel."

And with that, Josie picked up Penelope and sped into the school while Hope picked up Lizzie, bridal style and sped to the Salvatore crypt.

When the two got there, the crypt was surrounded by dead or unconcious heretics. Dr.Saltzman and Marcel came out and hugged the girls.

"What happened with Landon?" Dr.Saltzman asked.

"Penelope took care of him," Lizzie answered, "Don't know exactly what she did...but she did something."

"Okay now we need to get to the original pit and pour the rest of your blood there," Marcel said to Hope and she nodded.

The four ran back to school, got in a car and headed straight to the Triad's headquarters. When they got there, Clark was waiting for them. A dozen Triad soldier poured out of the front of the building and streamed out of the aides. The four jumped out of the car and fought.

Dr.Saltzman had his sword and slashed away at the soldiers before they could react and shoot. He took a riot shield from one of them and continued to hack and slash. Marcel would've mercilessly ripped out the hearts of each soldier but Hope insisted that he just knock him out. So he hit each soldier hard enough to make them pass out. Hope and Lizzie were doing very nicely coordinated magic combos.

When all the soldiers were down, Clark ran into the building so they ran after. When they got inside, sirens were blazing and metal doors were coming down, shutting, and locking. Lizzie and Hope used their magic to bust down or open the doors while Marcel and Dr.Saltzman knocked down anyone who attacked them. Eventually, they faced monsters from the pit: a two-dog-headed Orthus and Neamon Lion. The couple took on the Orthus while the two adults took on the Neamon Lion.

The two girls held hands, recited an incantation and thrust their palms out at the Orthus. It sent out an incredibly wave if magic that sent it through the wall which then caused some wires to break and the lights to intensely flicker. Lizzie then siphoned enough magic from Hope before Hope jumped onto the Orthus's stomach and punched it, while also sending a magic shockwave through. Lizzie gathered all the magic ahe siphoned and used it to recite a spell that sharpened a wooden board and added metal from the busted door behind them to make it even sharper. When what was basically abgiant wood and metal stake was done, Hope took it and thrust it into the Orthus's heart.

Meanwhile with Dr.Saltzman and Marcel, Marcel held off the lion while Dr.Saltzman was trying to start a fire. He knew that the fur coat of the lion was impenetrable so he was trying to light his arrows on fire and shoot it into the mega lion's mouth and eyes.

"Dad, do you need help?" Lizzie yelled as the two ran to him.

"Yup, Hope, help Marcel keep the lion down," Dr.Saltzman instructed, "Liz, start a fire...this stupid thing isn't lighting."

Lizzie used a magic spell to set a wooden board on fire. She then used her magic to help keep the lion down as Dr.Saltzmab lit an arrow and put it in the crossbow.

"One of you- or, no, both of you pry it's mouth open," Dr.Saltzman yelled, "Liz, keep it down with your magic."

"I only have so much magic, Dad," Lizzie said, "So you have to be quick."

Marcel and Hope let go of the lion and Lizzie increased the amount of force used to keep the lion down. The two then proceeded to pry the lions mouth open and kept it as wide as they could possibly hold it. Dr.Saltzman took aim, and shot the arrows into its mouth, one by one. Then he picked up his sword and ran to up to it and shoved it up into and out of it's head. When he took out his sword, Marcel, Hope, and Lizzie let go. Lizzie colapsed onto her knees and an out of breath Hope ran to her side. The two leaned on each other as they stood up again. After taking a minute break, they continued to run down the corridors and staircases.

"Quite a work out, huh?" Marcel laughed breathily.

"No kidding," Lizzie scowled as she leaned against the wall to catch her breath.

"C'mon we have to go," Hope insisted and they basically jumped down the stairwell.

When they got to the elevator that lead to the first Malivore pit, they tried to use a keycard they grabbed from a soldier but it didn't work.

"Take my hand," Hope said, holding out her hand to Lizzie, "Marcel, take Lizzie's hand, Dr.Saltzman get behind us."

They all did what Hope instructed and the two girls began to chant. Lizzie siphoned off Marcel and Hope and when the spell was finally done it let out probably the biggest, and most powerful wave of magic they had ever performed. It knocked down the wall and thick metal elevator doors.

They all ran in and noticed that the power to the elevator had been cut so Lizzie and Hope held hands once more and used their magic to push the elevator down. When they reached the floor, Marcel kicked down the door and they were faced with Triad soldiers all aiming guns with wooden bullets at them. Marcel, not caring at all if he gets shot looked to the others and they immidiately jumped against the sides of the elevator as Marcel used his speed to knock out each soldier who proceeded to shoot at him.

When the last soldier was knocked out, Marcel managed to get shot jn the arm and some grazes: other than that, he was fine. The four then ran into the pit area and Clark was waiting for them.

"Hello everyone," Clark smiled, "I'm afraid, you're a little too late."

As he said that he was already about to step into the bubbling, black pit. But Hope wouldn't let him so she lunged at him and landed just on the edge of the otherwise of the pit.

"What? No!" Clark growled.

"I'm a fully realizdd Tribrid now, Mudblood," Hope growled as she held onto him tight.

"Quick! Poor Hope's blood in!" Dr.Saltzman yelled and they each took vials of Hope's blood into the pit.

"No! NO....NOOOO!" Clark screamed as the pit began to intensely bubble. Hope twisted his neck and he was knocked out.

"Throw him in," Marcel said to Hope.

"What?" She said puzzled.

"He's a daddy's boy," Marcel explained, "He'll just come back for revenge...throw him in."

Hope looked at his face for a few seconds. Remembering when they were in the out together.

Well, at least he's actually going to die and be at peace instead of that Hell dimension, Hope sighed. So she threw him in.

When Clark sunk into what seemed like a boiling mudpit, it caught on fire. Hell flames, probably, before it solidified into what could be described as black concrete. They stood there in awe for a few seconds, realizing what just happened and that it was finally over. Lizzie was the first to break the awe-struck atmosphere and ran across the black concrete to hug and then kiss her girlfriend.

"Woah girls, PDA," Dr.Saltzman chuckled and the two girls pulled away from each other a little embarassed by the fact that they forgot about Lizzie's dad and basically Hope's brother.

"At last," Hope said smiling, "It's over."

So yeah. It took me a week to finally make this chapter. This isn't the last chapter (technically) there's going to be like an epilogue.


What are your favorite ships? (Can't include Penelope or Josie with anyone else cause the next story is 100% Posie and romance focused lmao)

Thank you for reading this chapter! Thank you to all who have been reading since I first made this in April (2020)!

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