Ch.35 "Calm" Before The Storm Pt.1

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The full moon was in a few days and everyone was antsy. A select few of older werewolves would be allowed to transform and roam the school grounds on c the day of the full moon to protect the school while the younger wolves went to the place they are assigned to on a full moon. For this full moon the students were to be more heavily guarded and were taught new spells to be prepared for anything. On that night, students will be rooming together, four in each room. There needs to be at least one which in each room to create the protection spells instructed for use or the room needs to be spelled by a teacher. The Quinn was an exception to all of this because of her abilities and from the insistence of the Super Dquad to Dr.Saltzman. Beacon wanted to join but they all agreed that he was too young.

"You're only three years older than me though, Q!" Beacon protested.

"Three and a half, actually," Quinn smiled as she ruffled his hair to annoy him, "You're eleven dingus, and I turned fifteen in November."

"Still--" Beacon tried again but Quinn put up a finger and shook her head.

"We're not fighting for thrill or fun bro, we're fighting to make sure everyone will stay safe," Quinn said, "I'm not saying you don't want that but...if anything happens, at least you'll be safe. Your safety is the most important thing to me."

"What about Sydney's?" Beacon teased.

"Imcomparable," Wuinn said quickly before jumping onto her feet, "I promise we can go on a little adventure when this is all over."

Quinn stood up and walked away, as she was walking she walked past Dr.Saltzman's office and overheard him talkong with Hope.

"Just in case the loophole for the spell doesn't work," Hope said sternly.

"Hope did you even tell anyone you're going to do this?" Dr.Saltzmab sighed, "This is drastic, you might not even need to do this."

"Dr.Saltzman, we're better safe than sorry,"Hope persisted.

"Its next week though!" Dr.Saltzman reasoned, trying to fight whatever Hope was suggesting...well, more like pressing.

"Even more reason for me to do it today," Hope said, sounding exasperated.

"Fine..." Dr.Saltzman sighed and when Quinn took a peak inside the room, Dr.Saltzman was massaging his forehead as he thought.

"Okay, let's go to the basement," Hope said, "Time to die."

Quinn heard them moving towards the door so she ran away. Hope is going to become a true tribrid!

Quinn walked faster and faster, not knowing who to to to or what to say or think. She finally stopped walking around but was pacing back and forth in the library.

"Uh...Q?" Quinn turned around, standing there was her new girlfriend, Sydney.

"O-oh hey, what's up?" Quinn said slightly startled.

"Nothing much...but i noticed you speed walking through literally every corridor earlier and you didn't say 'hi' when I said hi to you," Sydney said with a little smile but a worried expression.

"Ah I'm sorry Syd...I just found out something crazy," Quinn sighed as she sat down in one of the chairs nearby, Sydney sitting next to her.

"What's that?" Sydney asked and before Quinn scooted closer to whisper kn her ear, she looked around to make sure no vampire was nearby.

"Hope is going to activate her vampirism today," Quinn whispered and when she pulled away, Sydney's eyes were wide.

"Wow, but I thought they found the spell and figured out the loop hole," Sydney said.

"Its a hypothetical loophole and this is the backup plan," Quinn sighed, "I hope Hope doesn't have to sacrifice herself to Malivore if the loophole fails"

"Yeah...she's cool," Sydney agreed and she rested her head on Quinn's shoulder. There was a long moment of silence, and luckily, it wasn't awkward.

"Wanna get a snack?" Quinn asked.

"Your friend and were wolf mentor is going to die to become a vampire and all you can think about is snacks?" Sydney chuckled in disbelief.

"Well, yes," Quinn laughed and the two got up and left the library. Unknown to the two, MG, Josie and Lizzie were nearby and they heard everything

"What were they saying that was so important for us to stop and hide?" Lizzie asked.

" going to become a Vampire," MG said slowly, knowing what reaction he was about to get.

"She's going to become WHAT?" Lizzie yelled as she stalked off, looking for her girlfriend.

"This should be interesting..." Josie sighed and the two ran after Lizzie.

Ha ha guys I'm so sorry for how delayed I am with chapters. My school semester ends soon and for some reason my teachers decided to assign a shit load of stuff. This fanfic will end when Malivore is defeated, which I warn, will be in the next few chapters!!!!

Fear not! I will be making another fanfic, and this time it will be strictly Posie! It will be an AU and not following the Legacies storyline or whatever. For this fanfic, I'm going to make all the chapters and publish it all at once so you kids don't have to wait for juicy updates. When I publish it, I will make an announcement in this fanfic for it or in my profile's message wall thing!

Thank you for reading this (sadly short) chapter! Hope you have a nice day.

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