Mr Clean x Sam

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I don't even know how to write this-


Sometimes I want to go bald like my daddy, Mr Clean.

We were sitting on the couch together when suddenly his head shined brighter than a diamond, Rihanna could never. (JK, I'm her whore-)

He was watching daddy porn, being the bisexual icon he is. 

I looked at his head and had a sudden urge to caress it. 

As my fingertips were about to reach him, Woah Vicky Kicked the door down and pulled out a Fabram shotgun.

Mr Clean pushed me off the couch and shields me. I was going to make a run for it, but Vicky started firing her shotgun. 

Suddenly Mr Cleans stands up from his shield position, he starts firing Magic Erasers at Vicky.

He ran over to me, and hugged me. We both knew she got hit.

As soon as one one hit her, all her oders went away. 

She suddenly realized her original race.

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