Cookies Are Better Than Cake

55 8 12

Sam is a dumb hoe and claimed that cake is better than cookies. 

No, No, No. 

I lowkey went Gordon Ramsey cake edition. (It can't be food edition because I can't even cook eggs-)

1. As a master baker, I can tell you right off the bat that cakes are more likey to be drier than cookies. (Sam is pretty dry, no wonder she likes them-) It's mostly due to the fact that cakes are larger and most of the moisture dissolves during the baking. 

2. mMm cHoCoLaTe cHiPs, I'd fuck a chocolate chip ngl

3. You don't really get the typical gooeyness from a cookie in a cake

4. Cookies are way more versatile. Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip, Rasin, M&M, Sugar Cookies, Double chocolate chip, Triple Chocolate Chip, Macadamien Nut, (I highkey don't know how to spell it) etc. 

5. Sure, there are plenty of cake flavors, but half of them aren't even good. The only ones I'd even consider decent are cheesecake, vanilla, and chocolate. 

Sorry, Sam. (Still love you tho) 

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