Van is a rat and she decided to tag "anyone who read her tag"
Do you care about what people think about you?
Honestly not really, but if I were to care, it'd be the people I'm close to
Middle Name?
I don't have one
Favorite Sport?
Softball or Soccer
Best Friends?
Well irl I have like 1 (I actually have 20, but shhh)
Wattpad best friends are: Sdy, Lexis, Sky, emily, Van, Seba, Rama, coochie clips, ass, Sam, anika, lana, and J. (In no order)
Someone you can't live without?
Probably my friends
Are you cute or sexy?
I'll leave that up for interpretation-
Have you ever been asked out?
Have you seen my MB?
Do you believe in love and soulmates?
Three pet peeves?
Just three??
-When people fart, burp, or chew with their mouth open. (we stan a germaphobe)
-when people tell me to do something AS I'm doing it
-when people contradict me, or say I said something when I didn't
Are you an emotional person?
Depends, one moment I'm the most emotional person ever, the next moment emotions don't exist. (That sounds sooo edgy, I swear it's not supposed to be LMAO)
Words you say often?
Some (most) of them may not be words, but phrases:
"tHe gAyS"
"this is a hate crime"
"try me"
"Idk about that one"
"That's a cool trick"
"didn't know you felt that way"
Picture of myself?
^^ Those are my 6 personalities.
Fav pic of another person?
Sis I don't want to expose them
Role Model?
My mom! We stan her
Best Person?
Whoever reads this!! :)
My celebrity crushes are def:
Irl crush? Nobody lmao
Wattpad crush? Sis I'm married-
Anyone who reads this, or who I called my best friend ig