storytime: I drank expired milk

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To save a long ass explanation: I pissed off my mom and I had a stuffy nose/couldn't smell anything (stan allergies)

(and not the cat istg-)

I can't cook so I was forced to make cereal. 

So I go over to the kitchen and grab the milk and cereal (stan honey bunches of oats) and was about to pour the milk when I realized I didn't check if it was good or not 

My dyslexic ass tried checking and ofc I couldn't tell 

I brought the carton over to my mom and she really said "I told you to drink it before it went bad, I'm not checking it. You better hope it's still good" 

(Basically I didn't drink the milk she just bought so she was triggered)

So I poured my milk and then my cereal and ate it, 10/10 

I'm 50% sure it wasn't, but I'm 50% sure it was. 

It also wasn't chunky/sour.

But I don't trust the expiration dates ngl. 

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