Best To Worst Zodiac Signs (lowkey dragged some, apologies in advance)

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This may or may not trigger some people 

1. Virgos 

Right off the bat, I didn't choose them because I'm a virgo. Virgos are superior, really funny, and give good advice. We also can't take a joke but it's whatever. My bestfriend is a virgo so that's also a plus as to why I chose them (Imo, Taurus, Sagittarius, and Virgo are the funniest) The arguments with them are pretty fun tho 

2. Picses 

If you know me, you guys know I'm a simp for most picses. Most of them are just like really soft and sweet. (A lot of them are also emo, but that's a different story). Major overthinkers and honestly I just want to cuddle them 

3. Cancer

Mom. Friends. All. The. Time. 

I really like how sometimes they try and check up on you just for fun and because they genuinely care. They can be really jealous and manipulative sometimes tho. A lot of people call them hoes or whores because they always want to be in a relationship but it's mostly because they don't want to be alone 

4. Scorpio 

You'd think the most clingy would be cancer or picses but honestly it's really scorpios. They're really weird once you're close to them and they tell you a bunch of shit, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot. Like they'll go over their sleep schedule, bathroom times, etc. (Which I make fun of them for, but it's all lighthearted) My mom is a scorpio so 10/10 

5. Libra 

One of my best friends is a libra and we'd talk about the weirdest shit. Like we would name our erasers in class. 50% of the time being giggly whores, 50% arguing about stupid stuff. I also really liked this one guy who was a libra, he was literally so cute. I liked him ever since 2nd grade until 7th. 10/10. So basically I like them but just don't annoy them, it's not a fun time 

6. Aries 

Aries are the definition of the energizer bunny things. It's funny when they're mad. But they're also really good friends and half of them are really confrontational so if they don't agree with something they'll say it. 10/10 advice if they're calm, don't listen to their advice when they're mad. Also hairball is an aries and we stan her. I dated an Aries and 9/10 things that he said were literally so inappropriate, but he was my minecraft buddy so it's okay 

7. Taurus 

Istg every Taurus I know loves to roast me, 0/10. But it usually stops if I give them or buy them food. (Fatass hoes). They're really funny with their sarcastic comments. Really stubborn so goodluck 

Everyone after Taurus, sorry. 

8. Sagittarius

Honestly Sagittarius would be one of my favorites if they weren't so wishy washy and all over the place. They're so confusing Istg. (Except Alexis, we stan her) I dated this one Sagittarius and she was literally one of the most confusing rats I've ever met. 0/10 it might be awkward when I see her again, tea. 

9. Capricorn

A lot of them are boring, it's not a stereotype. (although some of them are really fun and nice, I don't like most of them, but I used to) This one girl wouldn't take no for an answer. Like I was not interested at all, please take the hint, 0/10 uncomfortable. My ex best friend betrayed me, so that's also a 0/10. My current bestfriend didn't, 10/10 

10. Aquarius

A lot of them are bitches, istg. I've only liked a handful of them ngl. Dramatic whores alert. Their comebacks are pretty good tho 

11. Leo 

I don't remember why I ranked them so low tbh. But some of them are really entitled and expect me to be on their side or think they're always right when they're not. (I've only really liked one and she was literally so nice and uplifting, 10/10 friend) 

12. Gemini

I don't even know where to begin-

16 different personalitys, bipolar, severely indecisive, moody, etc. (90% of them are cancelled, not all) 

If you see a spelling error, do NOT comment on it or I'll just be triggered

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