Peppa Pig x Sydney

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A/N: This book is #1 for ANNE FRANK when there are sooo many other storys that are actually educational and I love that. I lowkey think I told the true story of her diary-

Sydney POV (I made you a fatass in this story)

I was walking to the kitchen because I'm a fat bitch. 

I see my girlfriend, Peppa, at the dinner table eating a nice, hot, yummy plate of:


She's a fat bitch too. 

As soon as she saw me, she yelled, "MMM, my favorite!" at the top of her shriveled lungs. 

God...I loved her screechy British accent. It was REALLY hot. 

She stood up from the dinner table and I broke my neck trying to look at her.

Perks of dating a 7'1 pig. 

I had gotten some lamb and I was going to plan a really cute dinner for Peppa and I. As soon as I told her about my plans, she immediately wanted to invite Suzie Sheep. 

How would I tell her???

I put a hand on her shoulder and calmly said, "Um, can't invite Suzie Sheep."

 She slapped my hand off her shoulder, "Why not?? This is a hate crime!"

I looked at her dumbly. "No it isn't, you cunt!!"

Gosh, she's a dumb hoe. But then again, so am I. 

(Timeskip because I'm dyslexic)

After a few more hours of arguing, I finally got her to sit at the damn table and eat dinner. 

She picked up her fork and knife and began to cut into the lamb. 

She took a big bite and was quiet for a moment. Suddenly she spoke up, "So why couldn't I invite Suzie Sheep?"

"'re eating her-" 

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