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Best Friend

Rex Orange County

"I wanna be your favorite boy."

Layla sits with her best friend and holds up the coloring book. "I'm done!" He looks up at her little flower and smiles. "It's pretty."

Her smile grows as the words leave his mouth, she gently places the book down and leans her chin on her hand. Their parents have been business partners since before the two were born and are practically inseparable, being best friends since high school and all, it only makes sense that they raise their kids together.

The little girl looks at the small hands of the boy in front of her as they scribble red onto the page, he lifts it with a proud smile. "Do you like it?"
Her pigtails swing from side to side as her head nods.

"Layla, Mattia?" Layla's mother calls from the other room causing the two toddlers to run in the direction of the sound. "There you are, what have you two been doing?" "Coloring." Her mother smiles and sits on the couch as she watched the two children play with each other, her husband and their friends join her soon after.

"One day, your boy and our girl will unite these groups once and for all." Layla's father pats Mattia's on the back. "We can only hope Rich, we can only hope." He glances over at the children who are now laying on their stomachs staring at the large screen in front of them. "Cass?" Layla's mother turns to face Giacomo. "Yes?" "When are you guys letting Layla become the leader?" He says with a sense of confusion in his voice. "When she's 18, she'll be inducted. Have you thought about Mattia—"
"When he's 18 as well, that feels like the proper age."

They all look back down at the children who's heads rests against each other. "Tia?" Layla's small voice is soft and quiet. "Yes?" His tone matches hers. "Let's promise each other something." She holds her pinkie up without looking away from the screen in front of them and waits for him to link his with hers. "What?" "If neither of us are married by the time we become leaders, we'll marry each other."

A tiny smile grows on Mattia's face as his cheeks turn a slight pinkish shade. "And when we start working, we can't let it get in the way of anything else." The boys tone is now serious, or at least as serious as a 5 year old can be.

"And we can't let anything ruin our friendship." Her voice now as serious as his. She only looks away from the screen as she feels his tiny pinkie wrap around hers.
"I promise." They say at the same time before kissing their hands and smiling at each other.


"Bye Lay." The small boy wraps his arms around his best friend and his parents watch the two hold onto each other for what felt like forever. "I'll see you tomorrow, right?" He nods his head and hums a response before walking out of the house with his parents.

Layla lays her tiny little body on the couch and stares at the wall, causing her parents to get a little worried. Her mother's soft hands stroke her back as her soft voice begging to be heard. "Layla, my love, what's wrong?"

"I miss Tia, why does he always have to leave?" Shes now positioned upright and staring into her mothers eyes.
"He's got to go home to his organization, you'll understand more about that when you're older."

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