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No Good For You

Meghan Trainor


"That boys no good for you,
you're way too good for him."

Layla and Mattia have been sneaking around to see each other, but that quickly comes to an end one day. Layla peers through Mattia's window and sees him talking to some girl in his room, she continues to watch and sees the two cuddle close to each other the way she and him used to.

She shakes her head and walks away from the window and over to Alejandro's, she knocks lightly and he answers almost immediately. "Oh shit, hey Lay." He says kinda loud.
"Don't bother hiding it, I already saw, tell him to go to hell."
"Lay, it's not what it looks like, I swear."
"Don't defend him Rosario—"

Shes never called him by his last name, it somewhat hurts him. "This couldn't go on forever right? We needed to end it eventually, better that it ends before we get too attached." She fights back her tears as she walks away from the window, jumping down to the ground and running to the car.

She's never cried over a boy, but today she let herself go and just sobbed, she's never cried this much. But it hurts, when the person you love chooses someone else over you, it's never an easy thing to deal with.

The car stops and the girl runs straight into the house and up to her room, ignoring everyone that tries to speak to her. Her door slams and locks letting everyone in the house know that she was upset, Cassandra makes her way up to the the room and taps on the door lightly.

"Layla? My love, please open the door."
"I don't want you to see me like this."
Cassandra sighs and rests her forehead against the door as she hears her daughters soft sobs behind the door.
"Layla, you aren't weak for crying, never forget that. I just want to help you, please."

There's no noise until Cassandra feels the door open, she stares at Layla as the girl wipes her eyes. They walk into the room and lock the door behind them. "What happened baby?" Layla begins to bawl again. "Mattia cheated on me..."

Cassandras heart shatters as she pulls Layla close to her chest, cradling the girl in her arms. "How do you know?"
"I saw it... I went over there again and saw him with her in his room, Alejandro even tried covering it up."

She sniffles as Cassandra brushes her fingers through the girls long, black hair. "Layla, if he's going to do this to you after he claims he 'loves you,' then he's not worth your time. You're too beautiful and smart to let a dumb boy bring you down, it's his loss, not yours."

Layla smiles at her mom as she wipes the remaining tears from her cheeks. "I understand that it will be hard to get over this, but it'll be worth it in the long run, trust me. I love you baby, come down when you're ready."

Her mother kisses her forehead gently before leaving Layla alone with her thoughts. A text message comes in on Layla's phone causing her mini trance to be lifted completely, she looks at the contact name and rolls her eyes.


Respond please
I need to talk to you
Layla I love you
She didn't mean anything
It was just a suggestion from my
My love🥺

Lose my number Mattia
I don't feel like speaking to you
Just leave me alone

I'm sorry Lay
I really am
I didn't mean for it to happen
I love you
Read 3:03 pm

She puts her phone down and sighs before getting up off her bed and joining everyone downstairs, they all smile at her. "Are you ok luv?" Grace asks as Layla sits in between her and Mari.
"I'm fine, I'll be fine."

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