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Flaming Hot Cheetos


"I wanna be the one you think
about at night.
And I wanna be the one you'd
put up a fight for."

Mattia buries his face into Layla's neck, kissing it softly as she wraps her arms around his neck pulling him father in. "What if we get caught?" The girl says without stopping his actions.

Layla's always been a 'good girl,' she's never ditched a class, missed a day of training, gotten caught with a boy, so this was nerve wracking for her. Mattia stops kissing her for a moment and looks into her eyes. "It's fine, we won't get caught, there isn't a camera in here."

He smirks before going back to the position he was just in, Layla moans softly into Mattia's ear causing him to stop. "Why did you stop?" She pouts as she crosses her arms. "You're bouta make me act up, that's why."

She smirks. "Oh really?" He smirks along with her now before pulling her into his embrace. "Yes really, You're gonna get it one day." He puts his chin atop her head and allows her to take his whole warmth in with a smile. "I bet you can't wait for that day."
"I can't."

She looks up at him with puckered lips and waits for him to press his against them, he doesn't for a minute but looks down at her. It's almost like you could literally see the heart eyes he has for her as her lips remain puckered tightly as she seems to be getting impatient while waiting for Mattia.

"Well are you gonna kiss me again or not?" He smiles and leans his face down to hers, connecting his lips with hers for a split second before planting tiny kisses all over her pretty little face.


"Ok can y'all not fuck at the table today?" Kairi says with an attitude. "I literally just sat down, what's your deal today?" Layla rolls her eyes at the boy in front of her who mocks her. "You make me feel single." He rests his chin against his hand as he stares at her. "Not my fault, just get a girlfriend."

She laughs at her own joke as Kairi's eyes roll into the back of his head. "I can't, Mattia's already got the one I want." He mumbles under his breath. "What was that?"
"Oh nothing, nothing at all."

They both fake smile at each other as Mattia and Alejandro approach the table. "Hey lay, can I ask you something?"
"You know you can."
"What if you set Alex up with Mari?"

Layla looks at Mattia confused. "My sisters not a lesbian Mattia."
"Not that Alex, I meant alejandro." Layla sighs at her own stupidity before giggling. "She would never go for him."

The boy looks at her offended. "You don't think so?"
"I know so, you're not her type."
"I'm everyone's type."
"Not Mari's."
"Not Mari's what?" Layla turns to Mari and smiles a semi cocky smirk.
"Alejandro's not your type huh?" Mari's hair shakes as her head does. "Sorry Rosario."
"Whatever, just let me take you out once." He leans his head on his hand and stares at the girl in front of him as she and Mari pull their phones out.
"No thanks Rosario, work before relationships."

Mari's sentence makes Mattia and Layla look at each other, they remember the promise. 'When we start working, we can't let it get in the way of anything else.' Layla's head finds itself resting against Mattia's bony shoulder.

"It's ok." He whispers knowing exactly what she's thinking. "That's just her mindset." "I hope so." Layla whispers back looking at Mari a little disappointed.


"I'll pick you up at 7?" Mattia's eyes sparkle as the sentence leave his mouth. "I'd love that." Kairi mocks Layla's voice earning a glare from her. "What Kai said." She says as she leans down to peck Mattia's cheek before walking into her house. "Where are you guys going?"
"Don't worry about it."

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