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you're my world



"And now that you're gone,
I feel out of place."

Alexandria paces around the waiting area as she chews her hand off, she's never been this terrified in her whole life. Mari tries comforting her but it doesn't work.

"The only thing that will calm me down is if that fucking doctor comes out here and tells me my sister is going to me fine, so you may as well stop trying to make me feel better because it's not working." She snaps at Mari although she doesn't mean too, but Mari understands the stress Alex has just been put under and just leaves the poor girl alone.


Richard and Cassandra come running into the waiting area and look around until they see the girls, they all stand as they greet the pair. "Anything?" Richard asks frantically, his palms sweaty as he hugs Alex. "Nothing yet, they took her in for emergency surgery about 45 minutes ago, so it should be any minute now." Mari confirms.
"Any leads on who did it?"
"The Jags are responsible, specifically Mattia Polibio, he's the one to blame I'm this situation." Reese speaks as she takes a hit of her juul sneakily.

Richard sighs in disbelief, just the other day Mattia came to him about what to do to win Layla's heart back and then goes and tries to kill her? He comes to the conclusion he never thought he'd come to, that all Jags are horrible, especially after this. "Nobody is to ever contact a Jaguar ever again, is that clear?"
"But dad, Kairi—"
"Kairi is not an exception Alexandria, we will not be taking anymore risks with that organization. From this moment on, they are dead to you, do you understand?"

They all nod their head and glance at the doctor as she opens the door. "Anyone here for Layla Montoya?" He asks looking at the large group of people. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Montoya, I'm Dr. Carmen, pleasure meeting you." She shakes their hands as she flips her clipboard open. "She's alive." A sigh of relief crosses everyone in the lobby.
"Had that bullet gone a hair deeper, she wouldn't have made it, you should consider yourselves lucky to still have her here."

Richard and Cassandra wipe their tears away as she flips the page in the clipboard once again. "Unfortunately, she's in a medically induced coma, it's unclear how long it will be before she wakes up. I'm sorry." Cassandra looks down as Richard wraps his arms around her, allowing her to sob into his chest. "What's the survival rate?" Grace asks slowly approaching the doctor. "85%. She will most likely come out of this, we'll monitor her progress daily and keep you informed with how she is doing." Grace nods and begins to think of all the things she wanted to admit to Layla if something did happen to her, all the sex her and Mattia had been having, how it was her idea to hide the cheating from Layla, everything.

"Can we at least see her?" Alexandria asks in a quiet tone of voice. "Of course, right this way." The doctor leads them through the eerie hallway and to a room with the door shut, the group walks in and sees a peaceful looking Layla. "I'll give you all some time."

She walks out of the room leaving the group of crying individuals standing around the bed, staring at the once lively girl who was so helpless now. "My Layla..." Cassandra strokes the top of her daughters hand with her thumb and began to cry again. "Please be alright my love, please..."

Ok this is the last damn chapter of the day💀 I hope y'all enjoyed the little spam for today lmaoooooo. I'm pretty sure this books almost at its end but not sure yet.

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