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In Love

khai dreams

"Make me fall in love
why dontcha just make me fall
in love again?"

Kairi's arms wrap around the girls torso as they waddle down the crowded hallway, they're unbelievably happy when they're around each other. No strings attached, they're only using each other, that's the deal. She's using Kairi to get over Mattia and he's using Layla to get closer to her sister, but the rest of the world doesn't need to know that.

"So, your house later?" He says as they stop at his locker. "Duh. She'll be excited to see you." Layla says with a wink as he puts his books away. "Ya know, I'll never forget your birthday." He closes his locker and puts his arm around her waist as they walk.
"Oh yeah?" Layla smirks as the short boys beside her. "Of course not, that was seriously one of the greatest days of my life."

"Your sister had a huge glow up over the summer." He smirks as they walk past Mattia and Alejandro. "She's all cute now huh?" Layla says a smile while pointing at Alexandria as she walks towards them. For Kairi, she was moving almost in slow motion, like everyone else in the hallway disappeared and Alex was the only thing in his line of sight. He turns slightly red as she approaches.

"When are you guys gonna stop being weird so we can be weird?" She says to Kairi as she leans against the locker beside his. "I'll break up with Layla right now." He and Layla giggle. "Do it then." Alex folds her arms and smirks lightly.

"Ok, Layla, we're finished." She pretends to cry before laughing. "How could you?" They all die laughing and Alex finally wraps herself around Kairi, she had been waiting to do that forever. "Let's discuss this weekend." Layla says putting her binder into her locker. "What's this weekend?" Alex says with her cheek pressed against Kairi's. "The mission this weekend, we're all gonna be there, but I don't wanna see Polibio."

Kairi nods and looks at the girl sorta sad, she's always called Mattia either by his first name or by his nickname, she's never referred to him as "Polibio."
"Please make sure he's far away from me Kai, and that dog alondra too. I won't hesitate to shoot that hoe if she gets close enough to me." Kairi nods.
"You got it. What about Alejandro?"
"What about him?"
"Do you wanna see him or no?"
Layla shrugs. "I'd rather look at him that Mattia."

She closes her locker and walks with the pair over to her friends. "Did y'all talk about the mission?" The girls nod as they sit down.
"Where's Reese?"
"She's coming, she got all caught up with Daniel earlier." Grace turns around and pretends to make out with herself causing laughter to erupt from their table.

"I still can't believe she actually skipped 2 grade levels. Like how?" Alex says as she sips her drink. "She's a fucking genius. Why do you think we recruited her?" Grace says without looking up from her phone. "I can hear you talking about me." Reese says with a grin. "Well look who's back from her dick appointment."
"Not a dick appointment Mari, a make out sesh." The girls giggle and glance over at the table of laughing boys, almost all were laughing.

"How do you go from Layla to Layla's little sister?" Alejandro asks with a chuckle. "Umm have you not seen how hot Layla's little sister got? That girl grew up." Kairi says with a cocky grin, glancing over at his best friend as he stays quiet while staring at the table across from theirs.

"Mattia." He catches the boys attention. "I wasn't actually fucking with her, I hope you know that."
"I know Kai, I know."
He looks back at the table as a wave of sadness comes over him, he misses Layla more than ever right about now.

He's felt so guilty ever since he hooked up with Grace at Layla's birthday party, he was just so vulnerable and sad and wanted to feel the way he felt with Layla, he did it out of spite. He feels such a deep regret ever time he sees those girls together, he feels like he betrayed the love of his life by having sex with one of her best friends.

He looks away from the table as Carlos's big ass head gets in the way. "You need to stop staring because they think you're weird, what are you even thinking about when looking over there?" He wanted to say Layla, but he didn't wanna seem soft. "Just where everything went wrong." He sighs as Alejandro pats his back.
"She'll get over it eventually, y'all will be back together before you know it."
"I don't think so, she hates me."
"She doesn't hate you." Kairi speaks in a low tone. "She doesn't?"

Theres a small bit of hope in Mattia's soft voice as Kairi's hair shakes along with his head. "She's always gonna have a soft spot for you, even in shes mad at you." That made Mattia less tense, to know that she still cares about him makes him a little happier than he was.
"But I don't think it's your guy's time yet, it'll come, just not right now."

I have a new story coming out sometime today and it's called Daddy's Money. So yeah if you wanna check that out it would be cool or whatever😎
And also, tysm for 3k reads on this story :,) Surreal, ily ty❤️

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