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"Already gave you what
you needed I guess."

It's been three weeks since Mattia and Layla stopped talking, Layla's been having a hard time with it. Every time something happens or she accomplishes something, she normally tells Mattia, but she can't do that anymore because they don't talk. Her heart remains broken into a million pieces over a boy who wasn't worth her time in the first place.

But she puts her problems aside for today since it's her birthday, she doesn't want to be sad on her birthday. "Lay hurry, you're gonna be late." Alex pounds on the door with her heels in hand. "I'll be out in a minute." Layla calls from the other side. She walks up to her full-body mirror and stares at herself with a smirk. "Ugh you're bad."

She blows her reflection a kiss and grabs her clutch as she leaves the room. Layla's never been the type to be a girly girl, although she has all the dresses and high heels in the world, she prefers to wear sneakers and jeans. "You look cute." Alex glances at her sister through the mirror as she puts her earring in. "That dress goes so good with those shoes."

Layla's foot lifts off the ground as she shoots her sister a smile. "Do I look ok?" She says as she flattens her dress down a bit. "You always look ok." A half smile crosses her face as she hugs her sister from behind before walking past her and into the living room where everything was being set up.

"Happy birthday!" Mari pops up out of nowhere starting Layla as she wraps her arms around her. "Ahh you're sixteen! What the fuck?!" She screams again. "Sixteen will treat you well, I just know it." Grace says as she hugs Layla. "I hope so, fifteen fucking sucked." They all laugh as people from every organization slowly start showing up, wishing Layla a happy birthday and greeting each other with smiles.


The evening quickly fades into night and the house is filled to the brim with all of Layla's friends, that's when a few unexpected people show up. "Kai?" Layla says in disbelief as she ignores the two he came with and hugs him. "Happy birthday."
"How did you sneak out?"
"I'm asking Kai, not you." She snaps at Alejandro, she's still pissed that he tried to help Mattia with cheating. He backs up and folds his arms as he looks around for where Mattia went.

"I'll explain as we get a drink, yeah?" She places her hand in his and guides hi to the completely empty kitchen and hands him a drink. "We just said we were going to Hectors, he's covering for us and everything. I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world." He says with a wink. "I wish things were better between us Kai, I really like you."
"I like you too, as a friend of course."

He sits on the counter of the island and sips his drink every once and a while, Layla leans against the counter across from him. "Maybe we could get closer?" He hints with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "What do you mean?" He smirks as she raises an eyebrow. "I don't mean anything weird dummy, that's against bro code. Regardless if he cheated on you or not, I would never do that to him, he's my best friend." Layla nods her head as a response. "Although, I would make an exception if you ever asked."

He's now standing directly in front of her, his arms folded and a slight smirk on his face. Her eyes cross as she looks Kairi up and down, debating on whether or not this would be a good idea. "Cat got your tongue?" He says with a smirk. "No." She quickly defends. "I'm just taking it all in.." Her eyes cross again as his face moves closer to hers, their lips just centimeters apart until someone walks into the kitchen and makes them scoot apart from each other quickly. They look at Grace as she opens the fridge and grabs a can, she squints at them since they look like deer caught in headlights.

"Did I... interrupt something?" She smirks at Layla making the girl turn red. Kairi nods his head and shook her away before turning back to Layla, Grace shoots her a thumbs up from behind him making her laugh a bit. "So.." His face starts getting closer to hers again. "Where were we?" Layla doesn't move as his puckered lips get closer and closer, but turns her head just as he was about to connect their lips.

He kisses her cheek and slowly places more and more small and soft kisses along her jawline and all the way down to her collar bone, she bites her bottom lip as her eyes close softly and her arms wrap around the boys neck, pulling him closer to her. She slowly starts to forget about the pain she felt after her breakup with Mattia and allows herself to have a good time right in this moment, after all, it is her birthday.

She lifts his chin with her index finger and presses her plump lips to his, his hands make their way to her waist and remain there during most of this kiss. Then they trail all the way to her ass, he squeezes it lightly making Layla flinch a bit. He retracts himself from the kiss and moves back down to her neck again, leaving dark hickeys.

Once they finish, he looks at her, proud of himself, as she studies the hickeys in the mirror. "Wow, how'd you make them that dark?" She grazes her index finger across them lightly as she stares at Kairi through the mirror. "That's a secret I'll never tell." He smirks as he hugs her from behind, staring at their reflections in the mirror.

He can't get over the fact that he just did that, he just gave Layla Montoya hickeys on her birthday in her own house, this was officially the best day of his life.

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