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"Showed me two options
so I had to take the
third door.
Had to take some time to
analyze what really
hurts more"

It's been three weeks since the accident and Layla's still yet to wake up. Mari and Alex stay with her everyday and Cassandra and Richard stay with her every night. "Dr. Carmen says she should be coming out if it any day now, so let's hope she's right." Alex says on FaceTime with her friends back home. "She'll be alright." Luca reassures. "She's strong."
"All we can do is hope." Mark says before going on paused.
"I'll keep you guys updated and I'll call you as soon as she wakes up, I promise. Bye."

She hangs the phone up and sighs as she glances back at her sister. "I miss her Mari." She strokes her sisters hand with her thumb.
"I miss her too, but we'll see her soon." She rubs the girls shoulders and stares at Layla as the heart monitor begins to beep, they look around for a second as Dr. Carmen comes into the room. "That's a good sign." She says as she checks Layla's pulse. "You should get your parents in here."

She says to Alex making her pick her phone up and call her parents, they rush over to the hospital and burst into the room as they hear the monitor beeping. "Is she alright?" Richard asks while walking up to the foot of the bed, Dr. Carmen nods. "Just fine, you should be expecting her any minute." She pats his shoulder and walks out of the room, Cassandra sits beside her daughter and holds her hand.
"My Layla..." She says softly. They see her eyes flutter a bit making them all jump back in the slightest.
"Say something else." Richard says observing Layla.
"Umm, wake up baby. It's mom, we're all here."
Her fingers move slightly in Cassandra's hand.

"I think it's happening." Layla hears her mother says as her eyes slowly open, adjusting to the bright light quickly.
She turns her head towards the girls beside her as they smile then looks the other way at her parents and noticed them about to cry.
"What's with all the tears?" She asks genuinely confused.
"Oh my baby." Richard and Cassandra latch onto the girl and hold on as tight as they could, Layla hesitates before hugging her parents back.

"What happened?" She looks over at Mari and Alex as they both hugs her as well.
"You got shot." Alex says as Layla wipes the tears from her sisters cheeks.
"I did?" They all nod. "By who?" She sounds soft and childlike, it was easy to tell that she was scared.
"It was Mattia." Mari spits out. "He doesn't want to admit it, but it was him."
Layla shakes her head in disbelief. "No, it couldn't have been." Mari sits on the edge of the bed and rubs her best friends arm as she looks around at the people who refuse to make eye contact with her. "Are you serious?" Her voice cracks giving them the idea that she's about to break down in front of them. Mari nods her head and looks away from the girl, her heart shattering at the tiny whimpers coming from Layla. "I can't believe this..." Her whole heart breaks into about a billion pieces as tears roll down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry my love." Cassandra wipes her tears and strokes her cheek gently with her thumb.
"Wait, then who was singing to me?" They look at each other confused.
"Singing?" Richard questions.
"Yeah, because I thought it was Mattia, but now I'm thinking otherwise."
"You heard someone singing to you?"
Layla nods. "It was one of the only things I heard." They look back at each other, confused as ever. "Nobody was in here except for us." Richard says. "There's no way someone slipped in without us knowing."
"But someone obviously did, his voice was really pretty." Layla says with a slight sniffle.
"I think I have an idea who it was, I'll be back."

Alexandria walks out of the room and pulls her phone out, she clicks the contact name and holds the phone up to her ear as it rings.
"Hello?" She hears.
"Mar?" She says sweetly.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Were you singing to my sister?"
"Uhh yeah? Why?"
"You need to get over here now, she's telling us about some voice she heard, she'll be so happy to know that it's you."
"I'll be there soon."

She hangs the phone up and walks back into the room. "So?" Richard says anxious to know who his daughter called.
"It's Mar. He's on his way."
Layla smiles as she hears that name come out of Alex's mouth, she loves Mar, but wasn't expecting him to be singing her love songs.

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