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My Kind Of Woman

Mac Demarco

"You're making me crazy,
really drivin me mad."

I love you.
Those three words changed everything. Since the moment they were first said up until now, 3 months later, Mattia and Layla have become inseparable.

Layla's head rests against Mattia's chest as his arm wraps around her torso, pulling her in closer to him. "Tia?" Her soft voice chimes out of nowhere. "Yes?"
"Who's Natalia?" She doesn't move as she speaks a calm tone.

"She's an ex, why?"
"She keeps texting me about you, like threatening to kill me and shit. She clearly doesn't know what we do huh?" He giggles and strokes her hair lightly. "She doesn't, have you responded?"
"Once, but only to ask who it was. It's really entertaining actually, to see her threaten me."

She sighs lightly and listens to Mattia's heart beat in his chest. "You don't have anything to worry about with her." His tone is calm and soft. "She's not important anymore."
"I'd hope not."

Alejandro and Kairi burst into the room and stare at the two sprawled out on the bed. "Are you ever at your own house?" Kairi says with some attitude. "Does it look like I'm ever at my house shorty?"
"You're not that much taller than me, you know that right?"
"I'm also a girl, I'm not supposed to be all tall and shit, what's your excuse?" He goes silent as Layla laughs slightly.

The boys sit on the bed with the pair and don't say anything for a while. "Can we help you with something?" Mattia says slightly annoyed that his friends interrupted his time with his girlfriend once again. "Uhh yeah, your dad needs you again." Mattia rolls his eyes and slowly gets up leaving the boys alone with Layla in the room.

"Ok, there's a mission this weekend and you're both going on it together, your dads here already."
"I already knew that?" Layla says semi confused as to why they'd send Mattia out for something they both knew.

"Ok that's not the only thing, so we wanna know if Mattia's popped the question yet."
"He's gonna propose?!" The girl screams in excitement. "No, no, no, we mean like... did he ask you to—"
"Be his girlfriend?"
The boys nod their heads rapidly.
"Not yet, is he going too?"

They look at each other with wide eyes which gave Layla the idea that he is. "My lips are sealed." They all zip their lips and giggle as Mattia comes back into the room. "You dumbasses, I already know about that fucking mission."
"Sorry, we didn't know."
"Get out of here so I can spend time with my gir—" He pauses. "With Layla." He quickly corrects as he pushes them out of his room and shuts the door loudly.

He turns to her with a bright red face and smiles as she positions herself to where she's sitting on her knees, he walks up to her slowly and sits next to her. "Your girlfriend?"

She smiles as he looks down at the ground. "Well, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks quietly since he's nervous. "Well, do you want me to be your girlfriend?" She asks just as quiet somewhat mocking the boy.
"Well yeah."
"Then yes, I will be your girlfriend."

He looks over at her smiling face and leans in to kiss her but it stopped as a pounding is heard at the door. "I swear to god if this isn't important Alex!" "It is this time I swear."

He opens the door and exhales deeply sorta scaring Alejandro a little bit. "Your dad said you should leave with him Lay." She sighs and rolls her eyes and she climbs off the bed, searching the room for her shoes. She slips them on and kisses Mattia she she walks out of the room, meeting her father at the top of the stairs.

"I'm sorry to take you away from Mattia so soon, but the meeting went a lot smoother and a lot quicker than I thought it was going too. At least you two got to spend some time together, right?" Her head nods as she stares out the window.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend." She says softly making her father look over at her. "He did?" She nods still looking out the window. "Ma will be happy to hear that, don't you think?" She says. "She certainly will, so you're now with Mattia? For good?" She nods again.

"We're doing what's best for the organizations, this is what you and Giacomo have wanted since we were little."
"It is, but we weren't expecting this to come so soon."
"Better that it came now rather than later, because what if he would've gone for a different girl?
The organizations would've been screwed, all the hard work we've put in—" She types the code in for the gate to open. "Just to have it thrown away because he got with another girl? Not a risk we need to take."

Richard smiles at his daughter and squeezes her hand gently. "I've raised such a smart young lady you know that? You're going to be a fantastic leader one day Layla." She smiles at her fathers words and can hardly wait to make him proud.

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