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"Fuck what they're talkin about
on your timeline,
that's cutting all into my time
with you."

"Stealth uniform?"
"Silent shooter?"
"You've got everything. Please be careful and stick with Layla ok?" Alexandria's head nods as she hugs her parents before walking out to the car.

"I'll make sure nothing happens to her, we'll be fine."
"Don't let anything distract you Lay, you know what you're going there for." Layla nods and hugs her parents before walking to the car and driving to the airport. This was Layla's first time taking Alex on a mission without their parents and she actually wasn't nervous at all, she knows that Alex is ready for bigger missions like this.

"Are you nervous?" Layla asks Alex as she fidgets in her seat. "A little. I'm used to doing these things with mom and dad."
"Bout time you get to come with me on a mission, I can teach you a bunch of things." She winks as Mari sits next to her.

"Why am I so nervous?"
"Because your boyfriend Alejandro is gonna be there."
"Shut up he's not my boyfriend."

The plane hits the runway suddenly and Alex squeezes her sisters hand as she feels the impact. "It's alright, we're here. We're fine." Alex loosens herself up as the plane comes to a stop and everyone gathers their bags, they thank the pilot as they go to get the main luggage from inside.

"Hey babe." Mattia kisses Layla and rubs the top of Alex's head. "Hey kid, I didn't know you were coming."
"I'm only two years younger than you Mattia, I'm not a 'kid.' And I'm only here because—"

She looks just beyond him at Kairi and blushes a little causing Layla to look for what she's looking at. "What are you looking at?"
"Nothing, nobody. I'm not looking at anything, stop questioning me."
"Ok, damn."


The girls walk into their room and are in awe, they got upgraded to a suite at the front desk and they couldn't be more pleased. "Will this do ma'am?" The bellboy asks as Alex belly flops onto a bed. "This is perfect, thank you so much."

Layla closes the door as she walks in and puts all hers and Alex's stuff in a corner. "What time are we going to dinner?" Mari asks as she slips her shoes off. "I'm pretty sure at 6? I don't really know to be honest, I'll ask Tia. You wanna come?"
"No thanks."
"Yes." Alex sits up on the bed and smiles at her sister as she nods her head towards the door. "We'll be right back Mari."

The girls walk out of the room and down the long hall to the elevator where they wait for a couple minutes. "What floor are they on?" Alex questions as she pulls her phone out. "21, just a couple below us."

The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open revealing two boys, one about Layla's age and the other about Alex's age. "Excuse us." They move out of the way and allow the girls to pass before walking into the elevator.

Layla knocks on the door and glanced at Alex as she's on her phone, Kairi answers the door. "Hey Kai." Those words make Alex immediately look up from her screen at the boy in front of her, her cheeks grow flushed as a small smile crosses her face. "Hey, what's up?" He smiles at the girls and allows them to come in the room.

"Mattia and Alejandro went to get some shit for the mission so it's just me in here." Kai says as he sits on the edge of the bed, looking at Layla and Alex as they stand in front of him.

"Oh we were just coming to see when were all going to dinner." Alex looks back down at her phone so she doesn't make eye contact with Kairi, he chuckles lightly. "I didn't know you were coming on this one with us young one."
"Two years, I'm younger by two years."
"That's still a lot."
"At least I'm taller than five feet."

Kairi looks at the girl offended as a smirk grows on her face.
"I'm taller than five feet."
"By an inch."
"Ok y'all please don't start fighting, just what time are we going?"
"Great thanks."

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