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Bitches Broken Hearts

Billie Eilish

"What is it you want?
You can lie but I know that you're
not fine."

"Earpieces ready?" They all nod as Reese begins to give instructions. "Take the Uber I already ordered to Brownberg Industries, there should be a contact there giving you the information of where the order is." The girls walk out of the lobby and up to the car they assume is their Uber. "It's a shared car, so don't be surprised if there's other people in there with you."

Layla opens the door and is met by someone she knew from somewhere, but didn't recognize. She shoots the boy a smile as they all climb into the car with his people, keeping their distance. "Where too Ma'am?"
"Brownberg Industries please."


The car stops in front of a large building and lets everyone in the car out, they go their separate ways as the girls put their masks on. "Make your way to the lobby, the contact is female with black hair, almost like you Lay."
"How the hell do we get in?" Layla whisper shouts. "Go through the right side door, it's the only one unlocked." Mari pulls on the door and it doesn't open.
"Uhh it's locked Reese."
"Fuck, hang on." They hear her typing something before hearing the door unlock from the inside, Mari pulls it open and the girls file their way in.

They find the contact and she doesn't say anything, only handing them a business card of Jonathan Brownberg. "I didn't know we were working with Johnny." Layla says scanning the card. "He should be on level four." Reese says through the ear piece, the girls start making their way there but are met by another group of people along the way. "Stay low and don't let them scare you." Layla signs making the girls nod their heads and split up.

The girl of the group just ahead of them glances back all while studying Layla, a cynical look crosses her face as she aims the gun at the unsuspecting girl. One of the boys turns around and looks at the girl as her gun aims at the innocent one across from them. "No!" He shouts as the bullet leaves the gun and strikes the girl, he tries jumping in front of it before it hits her but is a split second too late. He sees the other girls run up to the wounded girl and turns around as they take their masks off.

"Alondra what the fuck, you can't just kill a norm." She smiles at Mattia as he takes his mask off. "What happened?" Alejandro and Kairi come running up to them and glance behind them at the people tending to the girl on the ground.
"She shot someone that wasn't even a part of this shit."
"Let's go make sure she's ok."

The boys walk up to the group of girls and immediately know who was shot. "You." Mari stands and points her finger in Mattia's face. "How fucking could you..." Her voice cracks as she stares into his eyes.
"I didn't—" He looks just beyond her at Layla's nearly lifeless body and feels like he's about to cry, he crouches down next to her as tears grow in his eyes.

"Alex, are you—"
"I'm fine..." She says as she stares into space, she's shaken up because she may have just witnessed her sisters murder. Alondra walks up to the group with a cocky smirk and looks down at Layla.
"Aw, is she hurt?" A small cackle comes from the girl and Alexandria couldn't take it anymore, she launched herself at Alondra and started choking her out, tears pouring out of her eyes. They're now on the ground and Alex just starts punching her, she didn't stop until Kairi and Alejandro pulled her off of Alondra.

Kairi held the crying girl in his arms and just let her sob into his chest as they sank to the ground. "THATS MY FUCKING SISTER! YOU KILLED MY FUCKING SISTER!" The pain in her voice was breaking everyone's heart but Alondra's, she simply brushed it off and wiped the blood from her now severely broken nose. "She's not dead." Grace informs as her middle and index fingers remain on Layla's wrist. "We needa get her out of here if we want her to live."
"I'll drive." Mattia suggests.
"No, you've done enough." Mari says as she bumps his arm while passing him. "I didn't do it."
"Whatever Polibio."
Grace and Mari lift Layla's body and carry her out to the ambulance.

"Ma, you and dad need to get here now." She says as she holds back more tears. "Why?" Cassandra responds. "Lay got shot and she isn't doing too good, we're on our way to the hospital now." There's no noise, then suddenly a yell of pain from her dad rings through the phone which causes her to breakdown. "We'll be there as soon as we can, keep us posted." Alex sniffles and feels her heart shatter as she hears her mother's cracky voice.

She hangs the phone up and looks over at her sister as she lays on the stretcher, she takes her hand gently and kisses the top of it. "Please be ok Lay, I need you here. I will never forgive myself if you don't come out of this..."

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