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Training Wheels

Melanie Martinez

"Wanna ride my bike with you,
fully undressed
no training wheels left
for you.
I'm pulling hard for you..."

"It's your first date with the one, the only, Mattia Polibio." Alex does jazz hands as she tries to help make her sister less nervous. "You're stupid, just pick my outfit already." She says as Alexandria turns to her sister closet and starts looking through her clothes.

"What do you want to wear?"
"I don't know, he didn't say anything fancy. Just to 'dress nice,' whatever that means."
"Lay—" The short girl turns to her sister. "Not to be weird or whatever, but you could literally show up looking like a scrub and Mattia would still tell you you look beautiful."

Layla blushes slightly knowing that what her sister just said was correct, but Layla wanted to put at least a little effort into her look today. I mean, she is going out with the literal boy of her dreams, she can't always look like a scrub.

"What about this?" Alex hold up a navy blue satin dress with a pair of sparkly silver heels, Layla nods her head rapidly as Alex lays the outfit on the bed and helps her sister get ready.

"Is this too fancy?" He holds a neck tie up to the collar of his shirt and turns to face his mother. "Depends on where you're taking her."
"I'm taking her to The Pub."
"Mattia, you know you're not old enough to go in there." He shrugs. "They let me in because they know you and papa, plus it's a private place where I know nobody will be able to bother us. I want this to be perfect."

He turns to look at himself in the mirror again and tossing the tie into his closet. "Everything going to be fine." His mother places both hands on his shoulders. "Just be yourself."


"Don't get it! I've got it!" Layla puts the backing on her earring as she races down the stairs but is beaten to the door by her father, he smiles at her as she rolls her eyes. He opens the door frightening Mattia. "Ahh, the man of the hour, please come in."

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