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We Belong Together

Ritchie Valens


"You're mine.
And we belong together."

Mariano and Layla have gone out a couple of times since she got back home. They both had different perspectives of this 'relationship,' one thought of it as friendship, the other thought of it as love. Layla loved Mariano, just not the way he loved her.

Meanwhile, Mattia fell into a sever depression after he tried to go see Layla when she got home. He tried apologizing and explaining himself, but she was too naive to listen and forced him out of her life.
He hasn't really eaten or slept since the occurrence, Alejandro and Kairi can tell the kind of told it's taking on his life. "I miss her." Mattia's voice is dry and cracky.
"I know you do." Kairi sits next to his best friend and looks as he stares at nothing.
"I wish I could change the past."
"But you can't." Giacomo comes into the room, scaring the boys nearly to death. "Get up, get dressed and be down stairs in 10 minutes, do you hear me?"
"Yes sir." Mattia answers glumly as his fear slowly fades from his body. Giacomo closes his door and Kairi and Alejandro give Mattia a pep talk.
"Come on man, it's time you move on, she clearly has. I know that you love her and I know that you wanted to be with her so bad and that you'd give anything to go back and change the past, but you can't. I'm sorry." Alejandro is starting to sound more like a leader than Mattia was.
"You don't understand." Mattia maintains eye contact with him. "You've never been in love with someone like this, knowing they're all you're ever gonna want or need, but not being able to have them."
Alejandro's jaw clenches and he sighs.


"Please be careful and text me as soon as you land." Layla hugs her parents tightly as the load their bags in their car.
"We'll be back before you even know it." Cassandra assures her daughters as they smile at their parents.
"Take good care of the organization while we're gone Lay, make sure nothing happens. We love you guys." Richard kisses the top of his daughters heads and climbs into the car. The girls watch as the car drives off and stand out there for a minute before walking back into the house.

Mark and Maximo come down the stairs just as they walk through the door. "Why the low faces?" Mark asks as he hugs Layla from behind.
"It's never easy when they leave because you never know if they're coming back, something could happen to them."
"Not that anything ever does—" Alex cuts in. "It's just the thought of that that freaks us out." "Everything's gonna be fine, just don't worry about it." Mark says kissing Layla's cheeks to make her feel better.

Mark and Layla have always been close with each other, ever since they all started training together at 9 years old, they had an instant connection. They never considered each other as anything more than family, they're like brother and sister. She turns around and hugs mark as tight as she possibly could, sometimes she never wants to let go.
"I'm taking a fucking nap. I'll see y'all later." Layla says making them all laugh as she walks up the stairs and to her room, she falls into her bed and puts a movie on her tv before slowly drifting off to sleep.

A loud scream wakes Layla from her deep sleep, she runs out of her room and sees her sister on the ground in tears. "Alex? What's wrong?"
"MOM AND DAD ARE DEAD!" She yells out in pain.
"Dead?" Layla says quietly Alex nods as she sinks lower and lower into the ground.

Layla freezes as every memory of her parents flashes before her eyes, she's immediately struck with pain in her heart as she pulls her sister towards her, comforting the sobbing girl as she begins to feel numb.
No tears, no emotion, just an internal pain that's starting to eat at her while she strokes the side of her sister face.
She didn't even tell them she loved them, the last time she ever saw them was a few hours ago and simply said goodbye, not I love you.
A single tear rolls down her cheek as everyone comes running up to them while Alex sobs loudly. Their voices are muffled, she can't hear their words until Mari shakes her roughly.
"Lay?! Lay?!" Shes shouting at Layla who didn't even realize how much she's crying.
"Layla, I'm so sorry..."
The group huddles around the pair as they sob, this was the worst pain any of them have ever felt.

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