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Build Me Up Buttercup

Lara Anderson

"I'll be home,
I'll be beside the phone
waiting for you."

"Where are you going?" Alejandro asks as he places his phone in his lap. "I have to go see her."
"Layla?" Alondra asks, her whole face bandaged. Mattia nods his head. "You're stupid, those girls are gonna be in there and they're not gonna let you near her."
"I have to try, I need to see her."

He zips his jacket and grips his phone as he walks out the door and to the elevator. He runs out of the lobby and hails a taxi. "Where to?"
"The hospital please." He hands the driver a 20 and hopes he can make it there before anyone else.

He jumps out of the taxi and runs into the hospital, stopping at the secretary. "Can I help you?" She says unenthusiastically. "Umm yes, do you know where Layla Montoya's room is?" She types for a second before looking back up at him, she hands him a clipboard. "Sign in and I'll give you a visitors sticker." He signs his name and age quickly before handing the clipboard back to the lady. "What's your relation to the patient?" She asks. "Umm best friend?" He's not totally confident in his answer but it seems to work because she hands him a sticker. "She's in room 489."
"Thank you."

She opens the door for him and watches as he runs down the hall. He stops at the room numbered 489 and hears someone's voice coming from inside the room, it was a boy who was singing. The voice was lovely, had a very nice tone and was very soft and smooth. "Anyway..." Mattia immediately recognized that voice, Mariano Castano.
"I can't wait to see you when you wake up because I miss you, it hasn't even been that long and I already miss you."

He sees him walk out of the room and go in the opposite direction, a guitar in his hands. Mattia scoffs and walks into the empty room, staring at the girl he loves as she looks radiant, even if she's half dead. He sits in the seat beside her and grasps her hand lightly. "Hi Lay, it's me, Tia. I know you hate me right now, that's understandable, everything that's happened has been my fault. I miss you more than you'll ever even begin to know, you're my whole entire world, you always will be. I love you, so much more than anyone thinks. I wish I could've changed this outcome, I wish I wouldn't have ever cheated on you. I know that you probably can't hear me, but I love you and I'm so sorry for everything I've ever done to you. You didn't deserve any of it, I never deserved you."

He kisses her hand softly and hopes for a subtle response, but nothing, his head hangs low and small sobs could be heard coming from him. He's normally not the type to cry over someone, but with Layla it was different. Not only was he losing the love of his life, he was losing his best friend of 16 years, this was the hardest thing he had ever had to deal with.

The door creaks open revealing Cassandra, she freezes as she sees Mattia. She shakes her head at him. "Oh my god, you have to leave."
"Mrs. Montoya, I didn't shoot her, I promise." "Mattia, you have to leave now."
"I'm sorry."
"Go before Richard sees you, he's about ready to kill you, go now!" She pushes him out of the room and makes sure he walks away before Richard comes into the room.

"Everything alright?" He asks as he hands his wife a cup of coffee, she nods and continues to rub the top of her daughters hand with her thumb. "Everything is fine, or well, as fine as it can be for now." She sighs as she stares at the pale girl, it's breaking her heart to see her this way. "Rich?"
"Yes my love?"
"Do you think it was Mattia?"
He scoffs at her question but questions that of himself.
"I'm really hoping not, he never seemed like the kind to do something like this."
"Especially not after how much they loved each other..."

She wipes her tear from her cheek and sips her coffee. "I'm truly praying that it wasn't that boy, I would never forgive him if it was him."
Mattia stands along the wall listening to their conversation before actually walking away, he sits outside of the hospital on the curb while he waits for Kairi and Alejandro to come for him, he stares at the road while a million thoughts roam his head.

"And you're sure it was Mariano?" Kairi questions as he swerved the car. "I'm positive."
Mattia's head rests against the window as he tries to hide his pain from his friends. "She's gonna be alright." Alejandro tries reassuring the sad boy, but is unsuccessful.
"I gonna kill that fucking bitch when we get back to the room."

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