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Best Interest

Tyler, The Creator

"I'll keep it in your best interest,
it's our secret.
I'll keep your best interest..."

Quick A.N: omg yay 2k reads already🥺 that's insane like wow. I hope y'all like this story so far and I hope it's really summing some stuff up for y'all. Ily and tysm for enjoying the stories I write🥺🥺❤️

Layla walks into the school and is immediately met by Mattia, she ignores him and walks past him but he follows her. "Lay. Please listen to me." No response. "Layla, come on. You can't ignore me forever."
"Watch me."

She opens her locker and covers him from her view with the door. "We didn't do anything."
"Doesn't matter, you chose her."
"No I didn't, I choose you over anyone else and you know that." She faces him with a displeased glare. "Do I?"

She closes her locker and walks away as he follows her again. "Come on Lay, seriously, it won't happen again. You just wanna throw everything we have away? Over a mistake?" She stops and faces him, her blood now boiling. "Mattia, it wasn't a mistake and you know it, you literally had Alejandro try to hide it from me. To answer your question, yes, I am. Goodbye."

She turns herself and tries to walk away but is pulled back by her arm. "Layla, don't do this. I love you, I love you so much, I never meant to hurt you." "Well you did, now please let me go."
"But Lay—"
"Everyone's staring Mattia, can we please do this later?"

She pulls herself from his grip and slowly backs away from him. "Lay..." She turns around and walks completely away from the boy, leaving him standing alone in the hallway with everyone's eyes on him.


"Mattia, you have to eat." Kairi says nudging his shoulder as he stares into space. "Not hungry." He says almost robotic. "I told you you shouldn't have done it." Alejandro says as he stuffs chips into his mouth.
"I didn't think I'd get caught, and I didn't think it would hurt this much."
"That's on you." Daniel says scooting himself next to the boy. "You should know better than that, you had the girl, everyone wanted her. And now that she's back on the market, you'll be lucky if she ever pays you mind again."

Mattia places his face in his palms and sighs harshly as Kairi smacks the back of Daniels head. "Shut up you dumb fuck." They all look over at the table where Layla and Mari sit laughing.

"Are they looking?" Layla says as she bares her teeth. "Mhm." Mari says with the same face. "Ugh." She slumps her head down on her hand. "This sucks." She says as Grace sits with them at the table. "I think he's crying." She says with a cackle. "I don't want to feel bad, but I do."
"You shouldn't, he's the one that embarrassed you for even giving him the time of day, he lost you not the other way around."
"My mom said that, it just hurts a lot more than I thought it was going too."

She sighs and swirls the straw in the cup, making the ice spin in a tornado of water. "It's gonna hurt for a while, I mean, he is your first love. You don't need to rush your grief for anyone, you can take as long as you need to fully heal and recover." Graces beautiful accent blends her words together perfectly, Layla knew deep down that she's right.

"I hope I can get over this." She glances at the table of boys and makes eye contact with Kairi for a second, he shoots her an awkward smile and she returns one. "Are you breaking it off with him officially?" Layla nods and frowns slightly. "I wish it didn't come to this..."


Layla sits at the bottom of the stairs while she waits for Mattia to come meet her, her heart pounds in her chest as she thinks about what she's about to tell him. The door above her opens revealing someone she wasn't expecting to see. "Lay?" She looks over at Kairi as he comes closer to her.
"Hey Kai."
"What are you doing?"

His head nods slightly as he sits beside the girl, she tries to hide her nerves from him.
"Are you breaking up with him?" She nods slightly and refuses to make eye contact with him, but he turns her head with his hand and forces her eyes to meet his.
"I'm sorry he did that to you, I tried warning him that it was a mistake but he clearly didn't listen. You deserve so much better than that." She sighs and turns away from him again, she doesn't wanna feel this bad, she shouldn't.

The door opens again and it's the man of the hour, Kai pats Laylas back as he leaves the two alone, Mattia sits next to her. "So..." His voice is shaky. "Mattia, I think we should see other people." He looks over at her. "Other people?" Layla nods.
"It's just not worth it anymore, especially if you're gonna choose someone else."
"Lay, I didn't choose her, my dad made me."

He's now standing in front of Layla, his foot tapping wildly. "Tia, it's better this way anyway. Your dad hates me and if he catches us sneaking around? Who knows that the fuck will happen." She's now standing on the steps so she's around his height. "I'll always love you Tia, but it's just not our time."
"Run away with me Lay."

His hands grasp hers in one swift motion.
"Run away with me. I want to be with you, no matter what my dad says." For a moment she gives in and considers running away with him because she's madly in love with him, but she snaps out of it and let's go of his hands.

"Tia, I can't just let you walk all over me and forgive you just because I love you. I'm sorry." She starts walking up the stairs but his stopped as Mattia runs in front of her. "Lay please..." She shakes her head and kisses his cheek softly before leaving him alone in the stairwell.

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