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I Fall Apart

Post Malone


"I fall apart,
down to my core."

Layla keeps her composure during the funeral and through everyone coming and giving her their condolences. Every gang heard about the death of Richard and Cassandra, well, all except the Jags. Layla was a little disappointed that they didn't even have the common respect and decency to at least send a text, she didn't pay it any mind though, she had bigger things to deal with. She was to give the eulogy, she sat terrified, her leg bouncing up and down rapidly as the service went on. Alex holds her sisters hand and squeezes it as she wipes her eyes, she hasn't stopped crying all day.

"And now for the eulogy, Ms. Layla Montoya." She takes a deep breath and walks up to the podium, placing the pieces of paper on it and adjusts the microphone to her level.
"Thank you all for coming. My parents were some of the most amazing people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and being around for 16 years. They were always selfless and willing to help others, even if it was an enemy.
My sister and I were always the number one priority, family always comes first, as my mom once said. They were so proud of everything she and I accomplished and motivated us to do our very best, as long as we put the effort in, we'd succeed. I don't know what I did to deserve two people that loved me more than they did, they loved Alexandria and I with everything they had.
My father put his everything into this organization, and with my mother by his side, they never failed. So, as heir to the throne, it is my responsibility to do what is best for my people. I will continue to pursue my parents legacy and make them proud, it's what they would've wanted. I love you guys with all my heart."
She looks over at the earns and fights her tears.
"I will not fail you. Thank you."
The room erupts in applause as she walks over to where she was sitting, she starts bawling as she sits and Mari rubs her shoulder.


"I'm so proud of you Lay." Her aunt Julia hugs her tightly. "You're a strong girl, you know that?" She nods as she sobs into this woman's chest.
"This is so hard auntie, I just want this day to be over with already."
Julia wipes her tears and looks Layla dead in the face, she kisses her forehead.
"It'll all be over soon my love. I promise."
She holds the girl for a few moments more until Layla finally let's go.

She sits at a table by her lonesome and tries to get her head in the right place for the moment.
She's lost count of all the 'I'm sorry for you losses' she's gotten, it's starting to drive her insane. As if she doesn't have enough stress on her plate with being initiated as the leader at this reception, everyone coming and telling her how sorry they are just makes her more anxiety ridden.
"Lay?" She turns her head towards Mariano.
"Hey Mar."
"Are you ok?"
She shrugs. "As 'ok' as I can be I guess."
She sighs and stares at the stage as everything is being set up for her initiation.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine, everything will be fine soon."
"I think so too, I would say congratulations on becoming the leader, but that's probably not what you want to hear right now..."
She looks over at him as he smiles, she forces a small smile onto her face although she didn't feel like smiling.

This isn't the way she wanted to be initiated, she still has so much to learn about leadership and how to run her own organization without flaws,
she expected to at least have her parents there cheering her on and everyone wouldn't be so depressed, everything just went wrong in an instant.

Her thoughts are interrupted by Mark, his eyes red and puffy showing that he had obviously been crying.
"It's time."
She nods and walks up to the stage where her Auntie holds the small heirloom, a gold pin that has been handed down for 11 generations.
"I am beyond honored to be giving this to Layla, my brothers daughter, my niece. I'm so unbelievably sad that your parents aren't here to celebrate with you, but everyone else here is. This is the highest honor any heir to the throne can receive, I know that your parents are looking down upon you right now, proud as ever. You're ready, I believe you are."
She holds the pin up to the silent room as Layla faces her, her head held high as her face goes completely blank. Julia pins it on her and the two face the crowd as cheers and applause arise, making the room loud.

This is the moment Layla's worked for her whole entire life, it's her time, she will not fail.

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