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Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe

Kendrick Lamar


"Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't
kill my vibe.
I can feel your energy from
two planets away."

"Please be safe." Layla hugs Mattia as tight as she can. "I'll be fine, you don't need to worry about me." "But I do, you're my boyfriend, I'll always worry about you."

He lifts her chin and plants a couple of pecks along her lips. "I love you and I'll see you as soon as I get back."
"I'll be waiting."
She softly closes the door and looks down are her feet sorta sad, she never likes when Mattia goes off on missions by himself, or without her anyway. She enjoys being able to do those sort of things with him, it's a bond they've always shared with each other.

"Lay?" Alex calls from upstairs. "Yes?"
"Come here for a sec."
Layla sprints up the stairs and into her sisters room where she's on her laptop. "Look at this." She turns the screen to reveal her parents locations. "What about it?"
"The Goldman's are there too."
"Shit. How to we warn them?"
"I already sent the emergency signal but I don't know if they got it. Get Mari and Reese, they'll know what to do."

Layla calls the girls and tells them to rush over, the get there I'm record time. "What's wrong?" Alex shows them the screen and Reese immediately gets on her radio. "Code Black, I repeat Code Black, move out NOW!" She shouts into it. Static is the only thing that can be heard, that freaked Layla and Alexandria out a bit.

"Oh my god, what if something happened to them?!" Layla starts to have a minor panic attack and separates herself from the group of girls. "They're fine Lay, look, they're moving out."
"Are you sure?" Her voice now shake due to her trembling.
"Yeah Lay, they're out of there." Reese comes up to the girl sitting in the corner shaking and sits beside her.
"Everything will be fine trust me."

A few days later

"But papa..." Mattia pleads with tears in his eyes. "You are forbidden—" His voice cracks as he speaks. "You are forbidden from ever seeing that girl again."
"How do you know it was them? What if it was someone else?"
"I just know alright?! Cassandra and you're mom were negotiating the deal and guess who's the one that just happened to 'make it out?' NOT YOUR MOTHER!"

The pain was so obvious in his voice as Mattia watched the man who always said crying was for the weak break down in front of him, it shattered his heart.

"Papa—" His voice now cracking from the pain he begins to feel. "Papa, I love Layla, I can't just throw that all away."
"You're going too, no questions asked."


"No, no, you can't take the one thing that makes me happy away from me."
"It's not our choice honey." Her mom says with a sad expression. "We understand how much you love that boy and—"
"Then why won't you let me stay with him?" "Giacomo..."

Layla looks at her mother confused as her father begins to speak. "He called off the deal because he thinks your mother killed Elena."
"But I didn't, I tried to explain that it was Victoria Goldman—"
"But he wouldn't listen..."
"So now what? He's just gonna ban us from everything?"

They nod in sync as Layla holds back her pain. "I... I just need to see him one last time... Please..." Her parents nod and send her on her way, she runs up to her room and pulls her phone out to call Mattia.


"I'm serious Mattia if I ever see one of those fucking mambas here, especially that girl, I'm killing them on sight. Do you understand?" Mattia nods his head as his father closes his door.

He lays on his back and tries to wrap his head around everything that he was just told, but is caught off guard by his ringtone. He picks up the phone and stares at the contact name, his heart sinks down to his stomach.
"Tia." It was obvious that she had been crying.
"Hi Lay."

"I love you." He holds back his tears as best as he can. "I love you too."
"I'm coming to see you."
"No!" He shouts.
"I have too."
"No don't—" He's not speaking in a lower tone. "My dad said he'll kill you if he catches you on our property."
"That's a risk I'm willing to take, I need to see you." "No you don't."
"Yes I do, I'll be there in a minute."
"Lay you don't under—"

She hangs the phone up before he can get the sentence out and he begins to have a full fledge anxiety attack. He texts Alejandro and Kairi to come into his room while he tries to calm himself down, they walk in and immediately notice he's not ok.
"Woah what's the—"
"Close the door..." He's speaking in a whisper. Alejandro closes it lightly and locks the knob. "Layla's coming..."
"Isn't that a good thing?" He shakes his head.
"My dads gonna kill her if he sees her here..."

Their expressions drop as the sit next to the shivering boy on the bed. "Hey, calm down, everything's gonna be fine. We'll make sure he doesn't—"

There's a tap at the window startling all the boys, Alejandro goes to the window and opens it slightly. "Hi Alex."
"Hey Lay."
"Be a dear and pull me up." She reaches her hand up to his and he pulls her into the room, she looks over at Mattia who can't bare to make eye contact with her. "Mattia." She sits next to him.

"I told you not to come."
"Well guess what? I'm here and I want to talk to you, please." She places her hand atop his making him look over at her as she smiles.

"Lay, I love you more than life itself. That's why I need you to leave, seriously. I can't afford to lose you, my dad is vicious and—"
"Tia, my parents didn't do it." He turns his whole body towards hers. "They- they didn't?"

She shakes her head. "They didn't, my mom tried to explain it to you dad but—" A pounding at the door frightens the kids. "Mattia!" Alondra shouts from outside. "What?" He shouts back.
"Your dad wants you."
"Every fucking time. Don't go anywhere. Guard this fucking room with your life." Alejandro and Kairi nod as Layla sucks along the side of the bed so she's hidden.
"I'm going, I'm going. Don't touch me."

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