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Don't Wanna Fall in Love


I'm better as your boy.
I'd be kinda
shitty as your man"

Layla and Mattia's bond continues to grow stronger and stronger as the children grow older and older. They are now nine years old and not in the mood to talk about the future.

"Layla, it's your future, you need to start thinking about it sooner or later." Her mother is never the type to let her anger or annoyance get the better of her and always remains calm no matter the situation.

"What's there to talk about?" Her arms crossed and her brows pushed inwards towards each other. "You, me and Elena are discussing you and Mattia over lunch on Thursday." The girl turns to her mother with a look of obvious confusion on her face.
"What about me and Tia?"
"How you two are going to lead the next generation of Mambas and Jags, the organizations are depending on the two of you."
"So we're gonna be like, business partners?"

Cassandra let's out a soft giggle and places her hand atop her daughters. "No honey, you're both set to be married when you're the right age." The girls turquoise eyes grow large as she starts laughing hysterically, she couldn't believe what her mother was saying.

"Me? Marry Tia? You're crazy."
"I said the same thing about dad, and look where I'm at right now."
The girl stops laughing and rolls her eyes. "Why Mattia ma? Why not Alejandro? Or Kairi? So that I can still be friends with Tia but not be all—" She fake gags. "In love with him."

Cassandra sighs and looks down at her hands in her lap. "I wish that's how it worked baby, I really do."

"What are you talking about?" Mattia's tone is confused as his head shakes profusely between his parents words. "I have to marry Layla?"

He didn't seem as disgusted as Layla did, he actually has grown very fond of her, in more than just a friend way. His dad chuckles as his sons cheeks grow flushed.

"That doesn't sound too bad, now does it?" Mattia's head shakes. "I'm having lunch with Layla and Cassandra on Thursday and you're more than welcome to join son, maybe you could convince Layla that it's not that bad of an idea."

His mother pushes his glasses up on his face so that he's looking through the lenses and shoots him a small smile. "Yeah, I'll go."
"Great, now let's go begin your training for the day."


Layla walks into the restaurant with her mother and looked around until she saw her best friend, her face lights up with a joyful smile. The two walk up to the table and greet Elena and Mattia with a cheerful 'hello.'

"How long do you have to wear them?" Mattia's little eyes intrigued by the metal that crosses Layla's teeth. "He said only a year, but I think it'll be longer." She smiles at him cheekily which causes them both to burst out in laughter.

The only thought going through the girls head is how weird it would be to marry Mattia, that's her best friend, that's all they'll ever be.

Meanwhile, in Mattia's eyes, Layla was the perfect one for him. At least that's what goes through his little nine year old head, he thinks about how amazing it would be to be married to her, how wonderful their life would turn out.

His trance is broken as he hears his mother's voice. "Giacomo's been training Mattia to no wits end, I've never seen the man so serious about something in his life."

Mattia gets a little embarrassed as his mother boasts about him, he only hopes that Layla hears the wonderful things his mother says about him and that's she's proud of him, she's the only person he's looking to impress.

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