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Bubble Gum


"I'm sorry I didn't kiss you,
but it's obvious
I wanted too..."

"Hi." Layla waves slightly at Giacomo and Elena behind the boys before being pulled into the house and away from her father, she waves back at him as she walks.

"So what are we—" She stops mid sentence as she sees Alondra and looks over at Mattia who gives her the 'my dads making me be nice to her' look, she smiles a fake smile at the girl.

"Hi Alondra."
She doesn't even have the decency to look Layla in the eye as she speaks, but young Layla remains unbothered as she plops her bag alongside where the other girl is sitting.

"So, what now?" The boys shrug and occasionally glance at the now antisocial alondra. Layla sits on Mattia's bed and rests her chin on her hand as she looks at the boys across from her.

"Any suggestions?"
"We should continue the game from earlier." Layla looks at the boys exposed dimples as he winks at Mattia, she cocks her head and raises a brow now intrigued by the words that left Alejandro's mouth. "What game?" Alondra took the words right out of Layla's mouth. "We were playing truth or dare." "Sounds fun."

"Truth." The girl stared into Layla's oceanic eyes and contemplated on how bad she wanted to make this poor girl feel. "Which one of these boys is the most attractive?" Layla looks this girl dead in the eye and sighs as a smirk grows on Alondra's face.

"Do I have to answer that? I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings."
"Either answer or do a dare."
"Fine then, dare."
Alondra eyes grow large as the boys just observe.

"Fine. I dare you—" She looks around the room until her eyes land on a boy, a brilliant idea pops into her evil little head. "I dare you to kiss Mattia—"

Everyone's eyes grow large. "Right here, in front of all of us." Layla glances over at Mattia who's bright red face makes her a little uncomfortable.

She inhales deeply before crawling over Alejandro and pressing her lips against Mattia's, and with that, everything in her mind switched. It's him, it's Mattia, he's the one. He's everything she's ever gonna want or need in life, this moment defines everything for the future.

She slowly releases herself from the kiss and looks at Mattia's, now even brighter, red face with a sweet smile before returning to her original position and giving Alondra a cocky stare.


"Lay?" Mattia's voice is almost a whisper as to not wake the three people sleeping in the room with them. "Yeah?" They both sit up on the bed and look over at each other, Mattia nods his head towards the door indicating they should talk outside.

Layla nods her head in response and the two are sure to be silent and stealthy until they're in the hallway, they slump down next to each other but don't make any eye contact.
"Lay, you didn't have to actually do the dare if you didn't want too..."
"Who said I didn't want too?"

Her wink causes almost silent laughter to escape the two, but it died down as quickly as it erupted. "Lay, can I tell you something?" She nods as Mattia's hair pokes her shoulder since he rests his head against it. "I really like you..."

She takes a semi deep breath before resting her head against Mattia's. "I like you too Tia..." He sits up and looks nervously at the girl beside him as she zones out.

"What does this mean now?" The girl shrugs without looking away from whatever it is she's so focused on and let's out a soft sigh.

Mattia looks down at his sweaty palms before having a wave of boldness over come him, he pecks Layla's cheek causing her to come out of her trance. She now looks over at Mattia with his glasses now foggy and let's out a small giggle before removing them from his face so she can wipe them off for him, pecking the side of his face just before she begins.

The boy caresses the spot where Layla's lips just were and smiles while turning a light shade of red. Layla places his glasses back onto his face and ruffles his short hair before standing herself up and helping him up as well, he pulls her into a hug as he's on his feet and
they stay in this position for quite some time before walking back into the room with everyone else and
falling immediately to sleep.

A.N: Ok so these chapters are really coming out fast huh? Like wow. Umm, can anyone see the amount of reads this has? Because I'm currently seeing zero so if y'all could lmk how many there are or how I can see the amount it would be greatly appreciated. I hope y'all like it so far, it's gonna get so much better later on, I promise.🥺

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