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Good In Goodbye

Madison Beer


"You're toxic boy, I ain't even
gonna find the
in goodbye."

"You got this, it's you girls time to prove that you're worthy of this." Cassandra stands in front of the girls as she gives them the pep talk. "We'll try our hardest Mrs. Montoya, as long as we put in enough effort, I know we won't fail." Reese sounds the most grown up compared to all the girls in this group, and she's the youngest of them all.

"Alright now go, you're going to miss your flight." She hugs her daughters and wishes everyone good luck as they walk out the door and to the car where Layla and Alex's dad meets them. He helps load all the bags into the car and wishes them all good luck, pulling Layla aside before she gets into the car with the other girls.

"I know that you have this under control, but I'm giving you this." He hands her his gun, the one nobody is ever allowed to touch. "Don't let anyone get in your way, you are a rock." She smiles at him and loops her pinkie with his as she takes the gun in her other hand. "I won't let you down." He hugs her and allows her to get into the car and watches as it drives out of the gate. "Please be safe."


Alex looks out the window at the clouds and sighs, shes missing her boyfriend right about now, the last time she was in this plane she was with him. Layla squeezes her sister hand slightly. "He's gonna be here you know." Alex looks at her as if she was a mind reader. "I just wish we weren't all beefing with them and that it could go back to how it was, ya know, traveling together was nice." Layla nods in agreement.

"Everything will be fine." Layla reassured her sister as well as herself, she needed to hear that, even if it came from her own mouth.

The wheels of the plane hit the runway roughly making the girls bounce up and down in their seats as the plane comes to a sharp, sudden halt. They all thank the pilots and walk into the airport to get their bags, Alex slips away as she sees Kairi.

The other girls see him too, as well as all the other Jags, Mari rolls her eyes. "There is actually no way that was a coincidence." They glance back at them and see Alondra walk up to them, she glares at Layla. "Fucking fantastic."
"I'll beat the shit out of that girl." Reese says as she pops her knuckles, Layla holds her back lightly with her arm as they all stare at the girl. "Not here." She simply says, directing her attention towards the bags that were approaching them.


The car pulls up to the hotel they're staying at and stops them right in the front, they quickly grab their bags and walk up to the front desk. Once they get their room keys, they walk into the elevator and wait as it slowly goes up. The rooms they got were nice, 3 bedroom suite with a balcony and a second floor in the suite.

They got themselves situated before discussing the plans for the mission. "I'll stay here and guide you all through the facility via Bluetooth." Reese hold up the bag with the earpieces and headsets in it.
"Mari and I will be frontline and Alex and Grace will cover us, kill any and everyone that tries to get in your way." Layla says sternly, the girls nod their heads in response.
"What if it's Kai tho?" Alex says in a soft tone.
"He's an exception, everyone else isn't."

Layla licks her lips slightly and sighs. "This is gonna be a rough one, I can already tell." Mari rubs her best friends knee and shoots her a reassuring smile. "We're gonna be fine, it's us, have we ever failed a mission before?" They shake their heads. "Then what makes you think this will be the first one?" Layla shrugs.
"I just have this weird feeling in my chest like something bad is gonna happen."

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