A Leap of Faith

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August 21st

Sheila sat with Philemon in the Velvet Room, beginning to detail the events of yesterday.

"So, your shadow appeared to both Kinaru and you?"


"What caused you to break Nefertiti's contract?"

"Actually, uh, it's been broken since... well, May."

Philemon's eyes widened.

"May...? How is your shadow not going berserk?"

"I have no idea. Honestly, it's really embarrassing. The breakage was caused by me hiding my feelings for Yusuke, which eventually developed into me feeling kinda like what the shadow me said in your palace."

"That you're nothing at all? Hmm."

"However, instead of acting all horrified, okāsan just... listened. Then, she told me that she doesn't care if I feel that I'm insignificant, because she feels that no matter who I am, she'll always be there for me."

Philemon nodded.

"That's... rather sweet. Have you reached a conclusion yourself?"

"No. I... I decided to go out with Yusuke. If I tell him my feelings, then, maybe, my shadow'll calm down."

"You can't just proclaim your feelings for Yusuke. You yourself have to make the choice to accept your shadow again. I don't know how you'll do that, because simply reciting that mantra that Elia and I did won't work."

"I... I understand."

Sheila began to get up.

"Sheila, you're much smarter than you say. I fully believe that you can get through this."

"T-Thanks. I've... gotta go now."

Sheila left the Velvet Room and arrived back in her room. She then saw that Yusuke had texted her back.

Yusuke: Should we go to the art display in Ueno?
Sheila: Sure, that sounds good

A few hours then passed by, with Sheila eventually heading to the subway station and taking the train to Ueno. Then, upon getting off of the train, she began to head for the art gallery. Then, upon arriving at it, she looked around for Yusuke.

"You're nervous, are you not?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Now knowing what's truly been going on within, I trust that you will make the right decisions."

"Thank you."

Sheila then spotted Yusuke and went up to him.

"Ah, hello there, Sheila."

"Hey, Yusuke, what's up?"

"Not much. I've been stuck on this one painting I've been making ever since viewing Mementos."

"Oh, really? Do you need any help?"

"No, not really. Spending time in public places such as these helps me a good deal."

Sheila nodded as the pair went into the gallery.

"Hey, do you have a favorite painting here?"

"No, I've only been here one other time with Akira."

"Oh, that's cool."

"Yes. Akira, despite what I heard about him, is a lovely human."

"I agree."

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